Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Games We Play

I am currently sitting here waiting to see who will be the one to get Tot up from his nap. We'll see who can wait the other out.

My dad got married a few hours ago. I met my new brother; he seems nice. Their reception starts in less than two hours, and I am supposed to give a speech. Actually, I said that I WANTED to give a speech. What, was I on crack or something?! (I really was not under the influence of anything.) I usually like to give speeches. Being a teacher, I am not scared to speak in front of people. Heck, I think I like the attention:) But I am having a very hard time deciding what to say. UGH!

Tot has been up for 20 minutes, he's not crying yet, and still no one has 'caved' in. I bet he's got a stinker of a diaper. Hey, I change tons of diapers during the week. I say it's daddy's turn.

1 comment:

Jen Taurus said...

Wow Bev, I cannot beleive your dad got married. How are you taking it? I know that everyone needs and deserves to be loved.

We used to play the same games with princess, I decided one time to leave her in bed and pretend to be asleep. Luckily, I am pretty luck with Dh's support. Right now, he's a sahd and I'm taking every advantage of it. He does baths, makes dinners, and does bed time. This will end soon, he will be joining the ranks of the unpaid by becoming a student teacher on August. I'm kinda worried that he will be stressed out and will be bringing stuff home and not being able to help enough.

I am updating my blog right now.
