S. was not himself AT ALL this morning. I even got up and took his temperature. Hubby was taking S. to preschool this morning, and I could sleep in. Only I didn't because Hubby woke me up to ask me where the thermometer was. I sprung out of bed to see what was the matter...sorry, cheesy I know...and took S.'s temp. He didn't have one at all. Actually, his temp. was a bit on the low side. I stayed up for an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with him, and whether or not I should send him to school. I decided since he had no cough, no runny nose, no vomit, and no temperature that he was going. *** Also, I stayed up late last night wrapping gift's for his teacher's as well as the grab-bag gift, so damn-it, he was going! Yah, I stayed up late because I thought I was going to be able to sleep in. Silly, silly me.
I was still worried about the little guy while he was gone. He had perked up before he left, but still, I wondered if we had made the right decision. Plus, we were taking the kids to the museum for the annual Christmas Around the World event after we picked him up from school, and I didn't know whether or not we should try to do it. I shouldn't have been concerned.
Hubby drove, and as teacher#1 helped S. into the car, I asked her how he was at school today. I, of course, was thinking about his health. She sighed, never a good sign, and told me he was all right. They had to have a conversation with him about not hitting or pushing as well as listening. (The listening part I wasn't totally surprised about.) She then said they would continue to work on it. I told her that we would work on it at home too. I was not prepared to hear about my son being physical with another child. I have always worried about him being bullied or him being a doormat. Secretly, I was a little pleased. S. is on the smaller side, and I am kind-of glad that he stands up for himself. Obviously I don't want him hitting other kids, though. So we had the 'We don't hit, we use words. I want to hear good things from your teacher next time-got it' discussion, and went to the museum. Which goes to show that when you are dealing with children, you never really know how your day is going to turn out. Tomorrow is his school program. My dad, stepmother, and hubby all took the day off. Oh, how I pray he actually sings and doesn't play with the outlets this time. Only time will tell. Pray for me.
***S.'s teachers seemed surprised when we handed them their gifts. Moms with preschoolers, did you buy your kid's teachers a gift??? I don't want to look like one of those over-the-top parents. (When I taught 4th grade, I always got gifts.) Oh, with the gift I included a card whereupon I wrote how much I appreciated what they are doing for my son and how much he enjoys school. Tell me, honestly, do I look like a suck up???
I'm sure your son was just having a bad day as you know that kind of behavior is very age appropriate. Something I didn't know with my #1 and I was very hard on him plus I had very unsympathetic teachers who literatly broke my son's spirit. Being a teacher yourself I'm sure you are very equiped to deal with his behavior.
I did buy my #2's preschool teachers gifts. I had to buy 3!!!! A lot of the parents brought gifts. What did you get for them?
I got them hand therapy exfolient and lotion from Crabtree&Evelyn. It literally has saved my hands from all that handwashing that goes with being a mom. Knowing that they, teachers, also have to wash hands often, I thought it would be perfect for them too.
I bought gifts for my daughter's preschool teachers this year and included a card similar to yours. I don't particularly think it is sucking up.
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