Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Very Merry Christmas!

This year was the first year that I did not experience the usual anxiety that has come with the holidays since my mom has been gone. This was the first year that I actually felt joy around the holidays. Imagine that. I also did not pressure myself to do things that I felt that I should do because it was a tradition. If I had time and wanted to do it, I did. If I didn't, I let it go. Turns out that reducing the things that need to be done around the holidays also reduces stress.

This is also the first year that S. understood the whole Santa thing. I do admit that I even 'used' the jolly old elf to my advantage whenever misbehavior looked like it was about to occur. Of course, S. being a stubborn little individual, told me to tell Santa that he didn't want him to come. Upon further discussion, S. changed his mind. S. left out cookies and milk for Santa, they were good!, and we even tracked Santa's progress via the internet. S. was impressed with that I tell you! Here are a few of the goodies my little boys received:

The boys received a gasoline pump to fill up their car, but Tot prefers sitting on it to the actual use that it was intended for.

S. LOVES his Leap Frog Word Whammer! Imagine my surprise when he told me D-O-G spells dog. I was excited until I realized that when he learns to spell, we can no longer spell out the words we don't want him to know!

The Tot loved his brother's Anywhere Chair from PotteryBarnKids so much that Santa got him his own. As predicted, he has not gone near either chair since.

S. has so much energy, and I just cannot go through another winter like last year. Anyone remember the 'poop mural' or the Listerine disaster? Anyone??? At any rate, S. received this bouncing castle thing to dispense that energy in. So far he really likes it, just not as much as this:
Ah....the train table from Grandpa and Grandma D. This thing is 'the bomb' according to my boys, particularly the older one. I must admit, it IS pretty cool.
I also got each of the boys two books. They always get one or two for Christmas which I inscribe with permanent marker. Once a teacher, always a teacher! The boys really do like books, too.
S. and I have been playing with his Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs, and LightBright. I admit I was the one who wanted the Lightbright. Hey, I have to have something to do when the kids go to sleep!
I hope everyone had a good holiday. And teachermom, when the teacherfamily comes to visit, I think they'll have enough toys to play with!


imperiowoman said...

Glad to hear you had a good Christmas. I love all the pictures. Do you live in a castle so that you have a room big enough for that bouncy thing, LOL! We love our word whammer too. We have a train table which #1 loved but #2 won't go near so now it just sits there collecting dust. Time to pack it up and save it for the grand kids! Enjoy your toys!


formerteacher said...

Thanks Jenni! No we don't have a big house at all. We do have a sub-basement which is the boys'playroom. Otherwise, we wouldn't have room for that thing!

I hope you had a good Christmas too, Sandi! Glad you remember the whole poop mural incident. Happy New Year to your family as well.

Teachermom, I'll e-mail the goods on that little castle. I'd be happy to keep K.if she doesn't want to go home. I need another girl around here!!!