Friday, January 26, 2007

It Always Comes in Threes

Well, now S. has the cold that Tot has been sporting for what seems like forever. Poor thing missed preschool for the first time yesterday. Then the cleaning lady called to cancel again. Originally, she had to move my day because she was on vacation. I was okay with that. I'm nothing if flexible; Hubby laughs when I say that. Anyway, apparently she wanted to extend her vacation and only called to tell me that at 9:20 at night. By that time I had already straightened up the boys' toys and all of the incidentals so she could actually clean. I was especially looking forward to her cleaning because of all the sickness in this house. Now guess who gets to clean the whole house this weekend? Yep, yours truly. Then today I weighed myself at the gym, which I was a stupid to do in the first place, and I found that I have gained all the weight back and then some! Geez! What a long ass week this has been!

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