Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hitting the Wall--You Too???

I've been doing this stay at home gig for nearly five years. I have enjoyed most of it, and there are days when I feel so incredibly blessed that I am brought to tears. (An example of that would be when S. put on Celine Dion's song A New Day Has Come. The lyric "I found my strength all in the eyes of a boy" always brings tears to my eyes. How true!) However, today is not one of those days. Well, to be perfectly honest, the last month or so hasn't been.

Now my love for my boys never wavers, but my enthusiasm for staying at home does. I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick of wiping counters, emptying dishwashers, getting kids dressed and trying to look presentable myself, trying to figure out what to make for all three meals, listening to someone complain about what I'm making, getting us to our destination on time, trying to figure out something to keep the boys busy, and wiping butts. Phew! And would you believe that's not even half of my day-to-day list? Of course, you would. You live it too.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I am bored. I feel like my 'work' is grunt-work at times, and I feel like my brain is like the drug demonstration commercial from the 80's. You know the one that says, as an egg is being cracked over a pan, "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" My brain is like that egg-mush substance. My brain is turning into mush. I feel like I never really get to use it. Let's face it. I could change a diaper in the dark; I'm sure you could too! How much intellect am I using on a day-to-day basis? I am not stupid either. I'm college educated. I've even educated some college graduates. But I am feeling like I never get to use what I know. I never get to discuss topics in-depth like I used to. I mean,"S., what was your favorite part of the day?", while a meaningful discussion, not one that really entails me bringing up any prior knowledge. I want to use my brain again. I just don't know where to start.

I am not going to go back to full-time employment, so that's out. Tell me internet moms, how do you satisfy your need to use your brain? Please don't tell me to get a pedicure and a cocktail. Been there, done that, and while nice, it didn't satisfy my need for more intellectual stimulation.

***Thanks for all of your comments on prior posts. I've finally gotten around to responding to them:)


Mary Ellen and Steve said...

It has to be hard to be home all day. I wish I had some good advice for you...

Anonymous said...

First of all, I will say "Yes me too..." and I haven't found a solution yet.

Second of all, I will say thank you for your last comment on my blog... I did go back and read some of your archives and they made me feel a lot less alone. It is just so hard doing this Mama thing without your Mama. It just is. Thank you for getting that AND the mommy overwhelmedness. :)

formerteacher said...

Thanks guys. I'm feeling better. See above post. And Val, I get it. E-mail me any time.