The other day, Hubster came home and told me that his company will be getting new insurance starting January 1st. This lovely plan is going to cost us a lot more money, because it covers way less than the old one. Prescriptions will, at the least, cost us $40. The amount you pay is determined on what 'level' the drug is on in their system. With all of tot's asthma medication, as well as my multiple prescriptions, we are going to be paying out of our noses. Pisses me off! At any rate, guess what they do cover now??? Infertility. The assholes cover infertility now. We lost a huge chunk of our savings, and now the bastards decide to cover it. Hubby told me to get over it. It's in the past. Now, I am not super, all consuming angry, but I have to admit that it really pisses me off. Do you know what we could have done with the thousands upon thousands we had to spend on tests for a diagnosis that only told us that there was no known cause. Then the fertility drugs, ultrasounds, blood work, consultations with the RE when nothing seemed to be working, the egg retrieval with anesthesia. Then Hubby gets a vasectomy, so no more babies for me. A year later, his company NOW would have paid for another try at having a child. Now I don't know if I even would have tried again, but it would have been nice to know that I COULD have. Oh, the irony is not lost one. Not one bit.
***We got the estimate on the bathroom. It was more than I thought it would be. We believe it's fair though. We're talking about doing it. We'll see what happens.
Oh that really really sucks. I guess some folks complained enough and so they've finally added that benefit. I heard more and more insurances are doing that.
Good luck with the remodel of your bathroom. I saw the pics and yeah, they're not too pretty. I hope it all works out.
Oh man, that sucks big eggs about the insurance premiums change/increase in copays. Ours, too, is going up 5% over this year for 2008.
Oh well, guess I need to be thankful for the insurance we're able to have, after the bills that have piled up over the last (nearly) 4 months.
Good luck on the bathroom remodel. We want to do a mstr bed/bath remodel...but I guess first we need to get hubby back to work full time. :)
Happy holidays!
I hear you on the insurance. I loved my HMO i had at my old job. This new state teachers insurance sucks big time. We need sleeping meds and nexium and they actually cap the sleeping meds to 15 days a month and the nexium has a cap too, in addition to migraine medicine, celebrex, injectibles, etc.
i haven't even bothered to learn my new insurance because I'm hoping it will vanish. I hate it so. Copays are high too, everything at hte pharmacy seems to turn into $50 each time I go. It's so much $$. This is crazy.
As for the infertility the bank always offered those benefits, however, I wouldn't use them because of my situation. I do beleive they should be offered and not a luxuery. This is no different then other health care needs. I could go on for days but I won't.
I cannot even afford to be crazy!
That does suck. Assholes...
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