Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Now?

I am on cycle day 48 and no period. Others have told me I need to call my doctor, because this isn't normal. I have to admit, though, while it's starting to really concern me, I am happy not having a period. Truly happy. That is if something major isn't wrong with me. Has anyone experienced something like this ever? If so, please tell me what caused it. People are starting to worry me that it could be something really major.


Teachermom said...

Weren't you on BCP or something before?

I have gone 40-something without periods a coule of times, because I wasnt' ovulating nad my body just wasn't working on things.

The problem is that when you do get it, it's a total bitch.

I'd go to the dr. to see what's up if you don't get your period in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

I've had several occasions where I went 50 or more days. It was an ovulation issue and wasn't serious but if it is concerning you, obviously check i out.