Thursday, June 16, 2005

Never Say Never

I said I'd never sleep with my child, and until yesterday I never have. Yesterday I needed a nap like nobody's business. I decided if I could get a few minutes of shut-eye by having Ryan next to me in bed, Stephen was napping, then gosh darn-it I was going to do it, and I did. I must say I didn't nap the greatest since I was worried about rolling over or hurting Ryan, but I did feel better able to function afterwards. Today Stephen decided he didn't want to nap, so I laid in bed with him. I thought it would help him fall asleep; it didn't. Did I mention Steve talks and hums to himself before falling asleep. Yah, that's about as conducive to sleeping as Jeff's snoring is, but I digress. So lesson learned: when you have multiple children you will do just about anything to get some sleep. Now, shhhhh....don't tell any of my family members that I slept with my children. I'd never live it down!


Jen Taurus said...

Do you have a bouncy seat or swing he could go in while you sleep.
Chloe slept alot in her swing.

Sounds like you all need daily naps. Our peditrican always says to sleep when the baby sleeps. She has a 5 month old now and he uses real daycare. I love her so much for being a real person and not a stuffy snob.

I had a tough week this week. SOme days I want to say the heck with it and give up. I spoke with the counselor and he said this is normal, but i'm isolating myself too much from others. He said I gotta start telling my feelings and let other's know what's going on inside. I'm too scared. I just don't want to be judged for being depressed. About 5 people in my whole life know. I just feel it's gotta stay locked inside.

I wnated to tell you too, I'm going to see about weightloss surgery. I'm attneding in July for an orientation. i have a million papers to fill out. I see my primary care dr in two weeks and I'm goign to ask for the refereal too. I initated this on my own. They have one called Lap Band and you can still have babies with it. I might go non surgical but i gotta have some support. I feel this depression is a loosing battle and add the ups and downs of weightloss struggle.

Take Care Good to Hear from you.


Jen Taurus said...

Hi Bev,

I updated my posting. I hardly ever eat healthy. I guess it's due to my bad eating habits growing up, we just ate quickly because my brothers would gobble everything up. Surprisingly, I was a very skinny kids. Has some of my weight issues fueld this new depression?

I talked to my therapist today, I couldn't shake it. I might go again next week if the intensity doesn't ease up. He indicated I could be a candidtate for inpatient care if this keeps up.
That would be horrifying. I found a web site and it was great and I plan on making some time to really look at it.

I also wanted to say good luck with the boys. It's so wonderful for you. Don't worry about the 2 pounds. Pregnant girl at work got her husband a new jeep because they are having a third baby girl. This girl is seriously in denial. SHe is planning on taking 16 weeks off work and coming back for full time with 3 kids in daycare. I get discouraged when people misuse their reproductive organs.
