Thursday, September 06, 2007

Some Musings

While Hubby and I were in San Diego I thought of a few things that were, well, ironic or just plain funny. For those of you who live in Illinois, you know that we had 10 days straight of pouring rain. People experienced flooding of basements, roads flooded, electricity went out, trees were knocked down by the intense wind, and mainly that people who live in the midwest where it rains or snows A LOT just cannot fucking drive in the crap! Hubby and I were so ready to leave, and so were the boys! We even kept telling them that we were going to California and it will not be raining there. I even verified this with my grandfather. I knew it wasn't rainy season, but dammit, I had to make sure that we were going to be dry.

  • Musing #1---Don't believe your grandfather or anyone who tells you that it hasn't rained in six months, it isn't even rainy season, so yes Former Teacher, it's NOT GOING TO RAIN!!! Read my lips: NO FLIPPIN' RAIN!!! We left on a Thursday. We went with my grandparents to church on Sunday. Halfway through the sermon, it starts raining! I mean a torrential downpour. And. everyone. was. so. excited. Everyone but us! I know they needed the rain badly, but come ON, why during the ONE week that we're there. Why?!
  • Musing #2---We brought a portable DVD player. We had done this last time, and we played movies in the hotel room, which was very beneficial for our son, Guess what? We got the room with the newish-looking TV, but it was a tease. There wasn't the place to hook up the cables to. UGH!
  • Musing #3---Hubby forgot Tot's Baby Einstein CD that he must have when he is falling asleep. Oh, but how lucky we were that he remembered to pack Jack Johnson's musical CD from Curious George. I'm sure the man is talented, but I NEVER want to listen to him again! I don't want to ever hear that song about how fun it is to share, because we know the truth, most of the time it isn't. UGH! I was actually missing Baby Einstein. How sick is that!
  • Musing #4---I now know why people stay at hotels that offer suites, and when the children are older, we WILL be looking into that option. Going to bed at 9:30, particularly when you are a night owl, is just awful. Listening to your husband snore, and your children cough due to some virus they caught on the plane, is even worse!
  • Musing #5---Even though I've been to California so often, I still forgot how bad the radio's reception can be when you are in the mountains, which you pretty much are all the time. I would be listening to a great song, and then BOOM!, it got all static-y and such. Now I am a big-time music person, so this really bothered me. Note to self: bring CD's next time as the husband gets annoyed when you listen to your MP3 player in the car and can't hear him. Hey, I had to do what I could given what I had to work with.
  • Musing #6---Traveling by air with children has its challenges, but know, just know, that you will have to go through security more than once. After the four of us took our shoes off, collapsed the stroller, put our liquids in a container, took off our three backpacks, put my purse on the conveyor belt, placed our DVD player in a special container and went through that walk-thru thing, I pushed Tot over to the left to look at the airplanes while Hubby got everything back together. Now there was NO sign that it was a restricted area. Well, apparently it was, and Tot and I had to go through security AGAIN and do everything that we had just done all over again. UGH! These things don't seem to happen when you are traveling sans kids.
  • Musing #7---No matter the brand, no antihistamine will knock my children out. Not even if it always does at home. And yes, they have allergies. Cough, cough....
  • Musing #8---Packing while having a bad day only results in packing too much damn stuff. Enough said there.
  • Musing #9---When you get home, your TV will totally die with no warning. The TV in your room. Did I mention I have needed the TV on to fall asleep since like the ninth grade? Yes, I know it's a very bad habit. I worked on it this week. Tonight we bought a new TV. Good thing I never developed a nicotine addiction.
  • Musing #10---Even though I am so happy that my SIL delivered healthy babies on Saturday, a part of me is, I don't know. Depressed. I always wanted a baby girl, and she was blessed with two. Having babies was so hard for us, and when I did conceive twins, I lost one. So a part of me is jealous, envious. I'm not proud of how I feel, but it is how I feel.

And my final note, San Diego was having a heat wave like I've never witnessed before. You know San Diego is known for its perfect climate. Well, it got so hot, how hot was it?....., that the state called for energy conservation as brown outs could occur without it. Me in 90 degree with no air conditioning= one really cranky woman. There also was a large wildfire burning. And the night before we left, there was an earthquake. We didn't feel it, but it was there. Hubby and I took it all as a sign that we needed to leave southern California!

All in all, our trip was wonderful, but there are always those blips in the road no matter where you go.


Colleen said...

I am laughing about the sharing song comment but at the same time, I LOVE that cd! That airport security hassle sounded like a nightmare! Bummer about the antihistamine and the dvd player. We used our dvd player quite a bit on our Disney trip, so I guess we lucked out that the tv in the resort had the right outlets.

Katie said...

So sorry you had to see more rain! I know the feeling, we get rain here in NC almost every day, except for this year. Now we need it badly. And I can so relate to musing #10. Even though I have been blessed with twins, when my younger sis conceived her 2nd child so quickly with NO EFFORT, I was kind of pissed and jealous. I mean she didn't want or need any more children, they could hardly afford to feed the first one and pay their rent.

Kate said...

I can commiserate on several of those points!

Air travel: UGH. I've done it by myself with Brody, and I won't do it again until Brent can come help. NO WAY!

Portable DVD Players: Ours broke while we were on vacation. That left us with an EIGHTEEN HOUR drive home with no entertainment for Brody. 45 minutes into the trip, I was ready to jump out of the car going 80 MPH.

TV for sleep: I'm the same way!! Except I can only have CNN on. It makes for some really weird dreams- does that ever happen to you? Like the other night when Pavarotti died, he was in my dream 'cause I was hearing it on TV. LOL.