Monday, February 18, 2008


I have had a lot to blog about lately, but no time. Now don't get the wrong idea. I haven't been doing anything fun. Nope, I've basically been inside with the boys. This week it gets worse. S. is home all week! Did I mention it has been snowy and cold? It has. Well, yesterday it was just rainy, and then it got cold last night, so we have the lovely ice to deal with now. Our city is also almost out of salt. They didn't plan on needing so much. We've had over 47 inches so far! Yep. This year I had to learn how to use the snowblower. Oh, the fun we have in Illinois!

I have more than cabin fever. Being stuck in the house with basically no human interaction beyond a phone call, has really gotten to me. We've had virtually no sun. Day after day, it's cloudy. Or cloudy and snowy. Or once in a while, cloudy and rainy. I'm tired of it guys. Last year wasn't nearly as cold, snowy or cloudy. Last year I was able to go to the gym and work out, which is a lifesaver to me! This year I don't have a sitter. Plus, Hubby has been working so many hours, there's little time, and the time I do have is very cold and it's at night. I miss it. I really do. I'm tired of this winter. Call it seasonal affective disorder or depression. I don't know exactly which one it is, although I suspect them both. Hubby and I have not had a date night that was not work related since...I really don't know when, and that's not us. I feel that if I don't get out of this house soon, and without children, I'm going to lose it! Figuratively speaking, not literally.


Tanya said...

((((Hugs)))) I am with ya about this terrible IL weather. Bleck. I am SO SICK OF IT!
Our city is also out of salt. The roads are like ice rinks out here.

Teachermom said...

I hear ya! Well, I hear you on trhe really annoye with the crappy winter part. We are having salt issues here, also. Who knew? In fact, I was off all last week for mid-winter break, and then both days this week so far due to ice.

Does your gym have babysitting? Would the boys go now? Any other mom who would swap kids with you here and there so you guys could each get out and run around a bit?

Here's hoping it thaws a bit soon so Mama won't go crazy! :)