I have been taking an oral acne medication that has made me pretty much have my period all the damn time. Seriously. My cycles have been 17-18 days long, with bleeding (TMI) lasting around 7 days. Yeah. You can imagine then why, when my cycle went up to 25 days, I was so damn happy! Like jumping up and down happy. Well, I guess this is another example of 'be careful what you wish for' crap.
I am on day 37, dangerously close to day 40, at which I think I will call my gynecologist and ask him WTF to do. I have never been in this position before. Well, except when I was on injectables and developed a 33mm cyst, which apparently is very common when taking injectable drugs like Follistim, which I was on. But, and I repeat, I am not on ANY fertility drugs this time. So, do I ask for Provera? Will he want to me to have an U/S to check for cysts? Crap! I don't want to have an U/S. Those were only fun when I had a baby inside of me. I also haven't had a pap since my oldest was 6 weeks old. I am tellin' the truth on that one. My OB didn't give me one in the first trimester with Tot due to the twins' situation, and they forgot to give me one at Tot's 6-week check-up, and I did think of telling them, but I was real tired of having that part of my anatomy touched! So I am also nervous that they'll want me to come in for that, and I have no sitter and my husband works ridiculous hours, and did I mention that he is now on a jury for a case that will take at least 2-3 weeks?! I don't think they'll excuse him to watch our kids due to his wife having to go to the gynecologist! Okay, that's all besides the point.
You want to hear what my husband said to me when I told him how late I am? "Did you take a test?" I responded with,"Did you forget you had a vasectomy?" And with that, I will go and change Tot's poopy diaper that he made during nap time, because this child will not go poop on the potty no matter how many things that I try to bribe him with! Stubborn little shit, ain't he? No pun intended.
That would be SO frustrating, I can't even imagine.
Not to be the one to give the stereotypical assvice here or anything but maybe a test couldn't hurt. A friend of mine just recently gave birth to her 5th child approx 2 years after her husband's vasectomy (which apparently had reversed itself). Obviously the chances of that happening are slim but having seen a woman I know go through it definitely makes me more wary.
Hopefully things will work themselves out!
Gosh, that is odd! Hope you figure it out soon. Why do some of us get such messed up cycles?! Its just not fair! Urghh!! Let us know what you find out.
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