Recently, own town has decided to allow a Planned Parenthood Center to open. It is only a Planned Parenthood Express, so I believe that it's more birth control orientated. Now this PP has been here for over a month now, and I just knew that at any time the Pro-Lifers were going to be out front making one of their crazy scenes. I am obviously Pro-Choice, seen as many Pro-Lifers as Pro-Abortion. Kind of ironic that I am an infertile pro-choicer, huh?
I am dismayed by what my children had to witness this morning. These people had HUGE signs stating things such as "not here!" to the shocking and just disgusting pictures. I know the tot has no idea what went on, but S. is three and a half, and is old enough to get frightened by such 'shock-value pictures'. Another thing that really ticks me off is that these women had their young children with them. (Why do they always bring their kids?) The thing that really bothered me today about their children being there was that it is REALLY COLD OUT!!! Yah, that's good parenting! Hey, honey. We are going to walk in front of a facility that doesn't perform abortions, and we are going to walk around in a circle carrying grisley pictures all the while while freezing our butts off! Now honey, this is our quality time together. What the eff is wrong with these people?!!! Have your own view, but leave your kids out of it!
And another thing here. No woman who has an abortion is happy to have one. No one wakes up one day and says,"Oh, I am so EXCITED. I have to/am choosing to end my pregnancy.' Women have their own reasons. It is our bodies. This is a medical procedure. Yes, there are people who have made foolish decisions and have gotten pregnant. Does that mean they should not be able to choose to carry the pregnancy to term or not? Why should that choice be taken away from from them? However, there are many women, many women that have blogs that have had to make the agonizing decision after learning that it was a life and death decision. Either the terminate the pregnancy or the mother dies. You ask a woman, or her husband for that matter, what their choice would be. Pure agony. Or you sit with a woman who has had a genetic test that says there are so many genetic defects in this child that he/she would surely die or have a very painful existance.
The thing that bothers me the most about today is the way these people went about their protest. They wanted to use 'shock value', grisly pictures to get their message across instead of having a intelligent discussion. They want to force their beliefs on everyone else, and will even put their children through hell to do it! Have your opinion, but leave your kids out of it! Furthermore, DO NOT PUT THAT CRAP OUT THERE FOR OTHER CHILDREN TO SEE!!! They don't understand and get frightened by that kind of thing. But they don't care about the many children, or any one, they hurt today, because it's all about them. As long as another baby doesn't die, well then, it's all been worth it.
***I do know that there are Pro-lifers out there who do not do this type of thing, and to them I say thank you. I do not agree with you, but thank you for not making the type of scene that was made today.
There was a PP in Provo, where we used to live. It was in a tiny, old, disgusting duplex with no signs. The good people of Utah think that PP is an abortion clinic. People can be so ignorant. Of course, since Utah is 70% Mormon, most communities don't even want a clinic offering free or low-cost birth control. It's better to just let them get STD's or pregnant. =smirk=
I saw a thing on MSNBC a few months back about the Pro-Life movement. Did you know that most of those pictures aren't even real? I mean, they're real fetuses, but the pictures have been doctored to make them look torn apart, etc. I found that interesting.
I fall somewhere between pro-life and pro-choice, if that's possible. I think there's a gray area. I absolutely, positively, 100% disagree with abortion used as a method of birth control. The rest is gray. Whether a couple decides to terminate a pregnancy for medical/genetic reasons is up to them.
I will say- even though a lot of people say you can't possibly know unless you've been there- that I would not terminate unless my life was in danger. I just couldn't do it.
I agree with you 100% that Pro-Life rally is not a place for children, especially in the winter! It's disgusting, raising children to be so filled with hatred. I'll never understand it. I've never understood protesting anyway. I always wonder who the protesters are trying to convince- the clinic patients, or themselves?
Thanks for such a good entry! (Sorry for hijacking your comments!)
We had a similar experience out here last Spring. The protestors thought it would be a good idea to stand out right in front of a Kinder Care!?
To say they caused a scene and huge disturbance would be an understatement.
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