Neither one can get it right! My brother sat, layed whatever, in his hospital room to receive word that he was on his way to the other hospital. The doctor accepted him as his patient, his MIL has pull there, and said they were just waiting on a room to open up. Five hours later, and having had no food because he was going to have the procedure done at that hospital, and he was still at the original hospital. And then if that were wasn't enough excitement already going on for him, he started having chest pains again. Luckily, the cardioloist that my mom really liked was at the hospital. He came in and told my SIL and brother his opinion. He felt my brother should have the procedure now. It didn't look like any beds were opening up anytime soon at the other hospital, and in light of the worsening chest pains, he felt they should go and in and try to figure out where the blockages are. Ten minutes later, and he was on his way down. As I am typing this, he is having the procedure done. How nervwracking to wait all day to be moved to a hospital to get this damn test over with, and then only to end up having it at the original hospital and it could have been done already! I'll update when I know more.
And damn PotteryB*rn. I ordered the Anywhere Chair for Tot to match his brother's, which he loves. Well, it came today and is perfect. However, I ordered an outfit for him, which I had personalized. I know, gag! And while I paid for the it, his name was not on there. Great! Customer Service was nice, but now I have to wait another week, and with the holiday and all, who knows when it'll show up! UGH! How hard is it to personalize and item a customer paid to have personalized. It's just one more thing, albeit a small one, that I have to deal with right now. That and my husband who seems awol. I've called several times to update him about my brother, and all I get is his voicemail. Gotta go. The Tot has now mastered tantrums. Whereas his brother just drops to the floor, Tot likes to bang his head into the object closest to wherever he is! I think he found out that concrete is not a good thing to bang on with one's head. Oh, hell! Who am I kidding? I'm sure he'll do that again soon. Life with boys=never a dull moment!!!
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