Monday, November 27, 2006

Who's the Boss In Your House?

The other night as we were putting up pictures on our wall at 9Pm, hubby and I talked about who was the boss in our family. Hubby said that I am. I asked him if he really felt that way. He said, "Look, we're putting pictures on the wall at 9 at night." Good point. I don't really feel like the boss, though. I always make sure hubby is happy about, or in agreement with, what we're doing. So I have to ask. Who is the boss in your house???


Tanya said...

I would have to say I am the boss. I have no idea why- it just happened. I think it is because I am the one in *charge* of making the plans with friends and family. I take care of the family calander. lol

Your post reminds me-- I have several pictures that need to be hung. ;)

imperiowoman said...

I think we're both "bosses" in different ways. He's more the financial boss and I have more of a say of how things are run with the kids and how our home is run.
