Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bad Mama

I am used to only having one child in school, therefore it has always been easy to remember what important things were going on and when. It was easy to be the 'good mom', because I only had to keep trap of one child's school life. Well, now that I have Tot in preschool along with S. in kindergarten, things have not been going as smoothly.

There is so much more going on with S. now. Homework, informational packets, meetings, etc...and it is so easy to lose sight of what's going on with Tot's preschool. For example, I forgot that last Thursday was 'show and tell day'. Just plain forgot. That night I woke up with a pit in my stomach. I felt horrible! If you think I am not organized and that is why I forgot, nope. I have a whole corner in our utility room dedicated to schedules, calendars, book logs, homework, school hand-outs, teacher hand-outs, and the like. Color coded and in my own type of filing system. See my proof below. So how in the hell did I forget?
I also feel bad about not being able to go to what's called 'Crayon Connection' at Tot's school. It is the last Thursday of the month. At that informal meeting, we learn all about what the kids have been learning, their progress and we get to see some things that they have been working on as a class. The kids are so excited to show their parents these! We also receive the monthly calendar and pay that month's tuition. S. went to this preschool for the last two years, and guess what? I was always there at those meetings for him. ALWAYS. Not for Tot. I can't go because I have to get S. on the bus at that time. Still makes me feel so guilty. I feel like a bad mother, because I can't always be there for my boys, mainly Tot.


Colleen said...

I know how you feel. Ugh the guilt! I kind of feel like Lauren gets the short end of the stick since Rachel has a lot more for me to remember (homework, snack and lunch to pack, library book, etc.) and of course, Kirsten, being 6 months old, requires Mommy a lot. I'm starting to understand the woes of the middle child and it makes me feel guilty!

Teachermom said...

Well, I totally messed up and sent C and M to VIP night at his school on the WRONG night, so I hear what you're saying! Thankfully there will be more preschool functions, and these kids have fairly short memories about stuff like this. Try not to beat yourself happens to all of us, so you're in good company.