Tuesday, July 12, 2005

No More Mini-Vans Please!

Why do senior citizens own mini-vans? Is it a midwestern thing or are mini-vans popular among all senior citizens everywhere? I mean they obviously don't have kids, in most circumstances, and are they really hauling big loads of things all the time that requires a larger vehicle? I have told Jeff that when I am in that age bracket, and the kids are both out of the house, I am finally getting the type of car I have always wanted. There will be no mini-van, 'family sedan' or anything that connotates the need to carry around large loads of crap along with two children. No, mine will scream 'woman who sacrificed everything and thus deserves this sporty little thing she's driving.' No, I will not be having a mid-life crisis, because I figure by the time I can afford the car of my dreams I'll definitely be beyond the mid-life portion of my life. So tomorrow, Jeff will get into his 'family sedan', and I will get into my Odyssey mini-van that I wanted to have so badly we had to order it three years ago!, and I will be dreaming of the time when I can finally unload this big load of metal. I can dream, right?

1 comment:

Jen Taurus said...


Just work with me here we have a 93 Chrysler HoopDee outside that is in bad shape and we cannot pimp it out either. It's a 92 now the head gaskets are blown.

Todays plan sell this car to a scrap yard and get something for under $3000 for my husband. Fortunetly he dosen't need a car until Jan when he goes back to school again.

My dream vehicle would be a humvee' my song Move B**ch get out my way, People would be running when they see me comming.

i actually classy looking sedans. Idon't do flashy. Does this gibverish make any sense.

my husband interviewesd for 3 jobs and didn't get aNY OF THEM, THISE IS COSTING US SO MUCH MONEY WE DONT HAVE.