This week, I fell. I fell hard. Down the stairs. What was I doing? Running upstairs to get Tot's shoes so we wouldn't be late for Summer Camp. It seems that I always am running late!
This week, I made sure I was up and ready to go earlier than I needed to be!
Anyway, I slipped on the stairs. I admit that I was running. Down I went with a thump. It was one of those moments where I thought I could catch my footing, but soon realized it was beyond my control. I slid on my left side
all the way down the stairs. Not only did I feel stupid, but I sustained injuries. They still hurt almost a week later. I took some pictures. They are blurry, but you can the idea.

This is the black and black-and-blue carpet-burn that I sustained on the way down. This is also the bruise that caused people to ask what in the world happened to me. Imagine parent-tot swim. It's bad enough to have to wear a bathing suit without this little number! And for all of you who have looked at those waterproof sport band-aids. They don't work. Even when you put two on, they don't keep the water out. Let me tell you what chlorine inside my wound felt like!

My elbow which sustained the same injury. Not a good picture, but I tried.
My pinky toe was not to be spared. Half of it fell off. I didn't realize this until I went to drive. I had to go, because I didn't want S. to be late. So I went with an elbow bleeding, and half a nail. Ah...what mothers do for their children.
I will say my boys were awesome. They immediately ran to the bottom of the stairs to see how I was doing. Now S., being a numbers man and all, told me that I started to fall from the second step. Good to know, S. That kid surprises me everyday! Anyway, they both hugged me, and we went on our way. Oh, when I was on the bottom of the stairs, I said to them,"What did we learn here?" Their faces were blank. I told them, "This is why we never run in the house!" Hey, the experts say that actions speak louder than words, so we should show our kids. And that I did.
OUCH! I have felt that pain before---fell down the stairs in the middle of the night once (so sleep-deprived I thought I was getting in my bed!) about a "rude awakening"! Those bruises will probably take a while to heal. Hope you're not too sore! Love the life lesson!
Oh that looks painful!
I can't believe what skinny legs you have.
Ouch. I hope you were able to ice it down, if it's worse go get some pain pills.
I hit my pigges on the wooden bed post in the middle of the night the other day. It was awful.
Now, people are gonna ask who beat you up. Take care..../
Dude, time for you to lay off the booze, esp. in the morning!KIDDING! :) It's amazing how much damage can be done from falling while running UP the stairs, ya know?
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