We all had a good time this Halloween. S. had three parties to attend, and then on Monday we all went trick-or-treating while it drizzled the WHOLE time! It didn't matter as the kids were protected from the elements, and were having a blast. Well, S. was. As usual, R. was just going along for the ride! This is one of the only pictures where S. looked at the camera; we don't hope for smiles lately. I guess that comes with being three! R. is still one of the most smiley babies I have ever seen! My little pumpkin. Can you tell that S.'s Elmo costume is much more red than his Elmo stuffed animal? Yah, Elmo has been washed just a few times! So it can be done; Build-A-Bear said you can't machine wash it. I say that I am not hand-washing vomit off of a plush toy; it ain't happening. And guess what? It turned out fine. So a good Halloween was had by all!
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