This past week my family has been in San Diego visiting my mom's father and brother. Yes, we took two young children on an over four hour plane ride and lived to tell about it! Anyway, California is a second home to me. When the airplane lands, it feels like I've landed in my second home. I've lived there, and I've visited family members too many times to count. We had a lot of fun on our trip. We went to Sea World, the beach, the hotel's pool, but mainly we spent time with family.
When I first walked into my grandfather's home, I looked at all of the pictures he had out on display. I saw my mom holding my oldest when he was only mere days old. He was wearing his little Halloween costume, and she was smiling. She looked so happy. I had to turn around because I had tears in my eyes. I remembered the trip that we took together, just her and I, to visit him just ten years ago. We had such a good time, and now she was gone. It felt like there were ghosts surrounding me. The memories just came popping into my head. Our trip there to this house when I was 15, then 18, then 20, then 24, and 31 and now 34. Then all of the countless visits to his former home that he had before he had retired. It confirmed what I felt already. We have lost so much. We all feel that hole in our hearts that no matter what we do, there's no filling it. However, when we do get together, it seems like we saw each other just yesterday. We have such a good time together.
I'm glad we went, even though that meant lugging two carseats on a plane, two children, a stroller, three backbacks, and two pieces of luggage. Man, are Hubby and I sore! Both of the kids were fantastic on the way out there, but Tot was a 'challenge' on the way back! It was definitely wo
rth it, though. Going home always is.
I'm so glad your trip went well! It looks like the boys had fun, and I know it must have meant a lot to your CA family for you guys to visit.
Glad you're all back home, safe and sound!
What a great trip you had! Timely, too, based on yourlast post. Sounds like it did wonders for you to be around family to share memories of your Mom and feel and see her presence.
Hi, I was surfing the web for answers when I came across your blog. I could relate to your entry dated 19 September 2006. I myself have been trying for a baby for some time and I am now 4 days like you, i'm anxious and hopeful..and I've just moved to Perth so perhaps that's just all this anxiety going around..Anyways, good entry!
I am glad that you had fun on your trip! It's always great to be around family.
Those pictures with the kids and your grandparents are so sweet- they made me cry.
I'm glad you had such a good time- you deserve it!
I know exactly how you feel. My family is from CA too and I try to visit there as often as I can. Every time we land there, it just feels wonderful to be going to my second home.
I'm glad all of you had a great time. Being around family is always something to remember.
Thanks you all for your comments. It was a timely visit, Colleen, and it was helpful believe me. Anonymous, you MUST let me know the result of your HPT! Feel free to post anytime; glad to help anyway I can.
Being around family is always wonderful, well, good family anyway!
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