Monday, June 09, 2008

One of Those Mothers?

Today I did it. I took my oldest to summer camp, and put the 'baby' to sleep. I also fell asleep, and didn't wake up until it was one minute before the time I had to pick S. up. Wouldn't you know that when I got Tot up, he had a poopy diaper! When I finally managed to pick S. up, he was standing there alone. I felt horrible! I profusely apologized to the teachers, who luckily have known me for a while. The kicker to this story is when I walked in I still had the imprint of my pillow on my cheek. Yeah, I didn't even try to explain why I was late. It was written all over my face.


Kate said...

ROFL... I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. You obviously needed the nap though!

Colleen said...

I could totally see myself doing that, so I'm laughing WITH you, not AT you...hee hee hee

Jen Taurus said...

Ha ha. This is funny. I remember C's teacher calling one day and she woke me up. it was 11am. I felt like such a slouch sleeping while this woman is teaching my daughter.

Well, you deserve the nap.