Last week was wonderful. I bet you thought I was going to complain about something again:) Nope, no complaining here. Monday through Friday was vacation Bible school at our church; you may remember me complaining about preparing for THAT. S. had a blast, which I must admit that I, too, had. Not only did I work with children, but I worked with adults for four hours a day for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! Guys, it was great! Teaching the kids stimulated me in a way I have not been stimulated in a very long time. I was back to using my old 'teaching sayings', ranging from the old 'if you have to use the bathroom, you should use it now', to the traditional 'as long as you try your best, you should be proud of yourself.' Of course by the end of the week I found myself saying to those children who block a hallway because they HAVE to lean against a wall rather than stand behind someone,"Off the wall. Believe me, it is strong enough to hold up itself up." Yah, right about that time I was beginning to remember why teaching wore me out, and just why I didn't want to do it anymore on a full-time basis. Besides the wall-hanging, I forgot that kids don't listen. I know you are probably laughing because I should know this already due to rearing a 3-year old, but remember I used to teach older kids. I swear, I would divide them up into three groups, and no sooner than I was done, they'd be going the wrong way. So I'd have 10 for one group, 10 for another, and 15 for the third. Drove me batty!!! But I digress. The following is a picture from the activities. Yep, my older son got to come to my class for 25 minutes. We rotate in 25 minute increments to other activities. It really helps to keep the kids' interest.

Behind my boy is one of the murals we created. Everyone seemed impressed by them. It's funny how I just slipped back into teacher mode. I tell people give me construction paper, or butcher paper, and I can make something out of it! Too bad it's not that easy when I go to decorate my house!
Hubby was also away in Thailand for the week. Yes, freakin' THAILAND!!! Now as much as I hate my husband traveling, especially overseas, I must admit it has its positives. I am going to bullet these to make it easier.
- The house stays clean, including, but not limited to, BOTH bathrooms. Anytime hubby tries to blame the boy, I now know it's a lie.
- Everything is according to MY schedule. No waiting for a phone call from hubby telling me he's on his way home, so I know when to start dinner. I got SO much done. The kids and I ate earlier, which made us all happier.
- I completed projects I know hubby doesn't want me to do. For example, painting. I did make a huge mistake when I painted one bathroom when we first moved in the house. However it's been EIGHT YEARS, so hubby needs to get over it. I decided to paint the play area. I painted the walls yellow, put up new curtains, etc. This is the kids' playroom in our sub-basement. What do you think???
- The laundry was much easier to contain. I am serious when I say that the laundry more than doubles when hubby is home. He literally wears TWO complete outfits a day, even when he wears suits Monday through Thursday. Unfortunately, they are trying this new 'casual summer' thing at his work, which just leaves more clothes to be washed. I hate all the clothes that end up on the utility room floor!
- I become so much more independent. I suddenly can and do complete the things he usually does. I think I fall back on hubby when he's home, and 'use' him like some sort of crutch. For example, it sucks giving one child a bath and the other a shower. I just don't enjoy it, so hubby gives the older one a shower while I bathe the baby. However, doing both when he's not home didn't bother bother me a bit.
- My sitter's other client cancelled her two days, therefore I got to have my sitter FOUR days, 4:00PM until SHE put the kids to bed. I felt like I was on a vacation even though I was running around most mornings trying to get out the door by 8, then the teaching thing, lunch and naps.
- I relaxed the rules a bit. I took S. out for ice cream before, instead of after, dinner. And no, he didn't become an obese child who only wanted to play video games. I am so routine orientated, and a by the rules person, that I forgot that it's okay to ease up a bit. S. was fantastic all week, so he got a treat. I did too. Got to love Oberweis!
- I felt rejuvenated being around adults, and actually doing something every day. I got LESS sleep, and was completely organized which reminded me of my former child-less self. I felt like me. I was happy, I was enthusiastic, I was me. And I forgot after all of these years of grieving for my mom, being a SAHM and just taking care of everyone else's needs, who I was. Who I am. It felt good. So good that I already volunteered for next year's Vacation Bible School.
I should also mention that I am very happy that my hubby is home, as are the boys.
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