May I ask the question 'How hard is it to put a roll of toilet paper on the toilet paper holder?' I mean really. Yes, this is the boys' bathroom. My bathroom is neat, AND it has the toilet paper in its proper place. I just don't get it!
***A short update on the whole sibling relationship thing. I guess they are going to try and have a relationship. She'll be in from out of town in September to throw her parents a 40th anniversary party. How ironic is that?! Glad I don't have to be there because I would have a hard time keeping myself from laughing. Their marriage is really a sad thing. I almost feel sorry for my MIL. Almost. Anyway, she said not to expect her to come by then. Okay. Then she'll be back for Thanksgiving if her parents house hasn't sold. (Apparently, they are almost ready to put their house on the market and move into their Florida home permanently. See formerteacher doing a jig of glee). So, if she comes home, she might stop by. It's hard, she says, because whenever she comes back to her parents house after having been at ours, they always start in on her right when she walks through the door. Hubby says, "Then stay in a hotel, so they don't know everything that you're doing." That was good advice. Basically, hubby isn't going to see her for a very long time, which makes me question why they had to discuss the parameters of their relationship in the first place? I mean if all you are going to do is talk on the phone or through e-mail, I just don't see what the fuss was about. Well, this is almost an entry in itself, so I'll end it here........Formerteacher who is so happy to mark the official one-year mark of her sanity. Thanks to the ils who made it very hard not to see how much they needed to go away. A big smooch in their honor...
To answer your TP question--YES... And I have no idea how a man can go through as much TP as mine does!!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm reading here... Your honesty and vulnerability in all that you've gone through have been amazing to read...
Missing our Mom's isn't easy... and all that you've dealt with on top of that... Wow. I think you are a pretty incredible person.
--Val (of the Dig Your Toes In blog)
Our 'family bathroom' looks JUST like that, Kandoo wipes and all. I HATE IT!! I tell myself everytime I grumble as I put on the new roll that this task is not 'too hard', but the person who sets the new roll on top of or next to the finished roll is definitely 'too lazy'. grrrr...
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