My oldest son seems to think that 6:00 is a perfectly lovely time to get up in the morning lately. This was my child who used to love to sleep! In his early days he often slept until 9:30 in the morning. When he hit the one-year mark, unitl Tot was born, he often slept until 8:30AM., which was great as I am not a morning person. I am a night owl through and through, and have trouble going to bed prior to midnight. I know, I know.
For a while he was doing well with the instruction not to come into our room until 7:30AM. Well, I guess he still is doing well with that direction, because he still doesn't come into our room until 7:30AM, but he goes everywhere else! And I HEAR him. He thought this morning that continuously opening and closing his bedroom door would be fun. I tried the old yelling at him to knock it off from my bed thing. Nope. Did not work. I had to get up and tell him. When I did he got this 'Oh, shit!' look on his face. Remember I am not a happy camper in the morning, and even less so when I haven't slept for several days in a row! Once I am up I can pretty much kiss any further sleep good-bye. Guys, what do I do??? What kind of consequence can I give that would be effective? I am at a loss, and having had very little sleep does not lend itself to good decision-making. Oh, and in addition to no sleep for me, S. also hasn't gotten enough sleep and will not nap. So by 3:30PM he is SO crabby, as am I. I can't take this anymore! Please help!!!
Hmmmm...that's a toughie. What about setting up something he can do ONLY in the a.m. when he wakes up? Like maybe setting out a snack w/him the night before, picking a special book/toy/etc that he can play with that only gets brought out in the morning?
K stays in her room pretty well and has been sleeping in this summer (HALLELUJAH!), so this isn't an issue we've had. When she does wake up earlier than we'd like, though, she comes into our room and I usually just have her climb up into our bed and I'll start a show for her. That usually keeps her happy and buys us another 1/2 hour.
Probably not much help, am i?
I like teachermom's idea. Maybe make him a morning activity bin. I hope that you are able to figure something out.
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