I started shopping early this year, as in the week after Thanksgiving. I bought my SIL's twins gifts as well as gifts for her husband and her. I kept telling hubby that we needed to send them. Last week he tells me to take them to the UPS store. Ughhh...not going to happen with two kids. Can you imagine??? Well, the kicker is that he had to send them overnight, because they are leaving for Florida. I am not happy about this. We got the kids's gifts, my grandfather as well as my aunt and uncles's. MY family is being a pain about not telling us what they want. They STILL haven't told us. If I don't hear by tomorrow, they're all getting gift cards! Oh, and we still need to buy gifts for the dogs. Don't laugh. My boys think Santa brings gifts for them, and puts them in the dogs' stockings. Again, don't laugh! Remember, Madison was my first baby, so she got a stocking with her name on it the first year we had her. Our other dog was my parents' dog, and my mother bought his stocking, and she didn't even particulaly like dogs!
How could I ever deny this dog presents? This is Madison.

It seems like I cannot ever sit down. That when I cross one thing off the list, two more go on it. I feel like I am on auto pilot! If that wasn't enough by itself, I have to go to the bank where my MIL started an account for S. and try to solve a problem she caused! The account is in S. and my name, I'm his mother, and the letter from the bank said this could affect my credit rating. I'm beyond pissed. This bank is Charter One. We go to another bank, and will NEVER have any account at that bank. So I am very stressed out about this. I am so pissed off at my MIL as she created this mess. I won't even go into the details of why the damn account was set up in the first place! This woman is still pissing me off and it's been two years since I've even seen her.
Well, I need to go take care of another thing on my list. I'm getting so tired of this all.
F them all. Just buy the gift cards. I always analyze why do we give in to these stupid holidayas an work ourselves up. I don't know why slippers are so special on christmas and wouldn't be special in feb. The market and mass media has us by the balls.
Sorry for the rant. I feel for you. Banking used to be my forte so drop me a line if I can help you kick some ass i mean solve your problems.
Will the dog take a gift card. Whoott Whoot...
I hear ya, sister!
We are done with our shopping, pretty much...my FIL was our last hard-to-get person, so I pawned that job off on C, as he is the son and all.
But I am SUPER stressed about all the ert-togethers...tomorrow we are going to the in-laws' house for Christmas with just that immediate family, Sunday we'll have immediate family dinner with just my parents at their house, MOn. we are hosting the extendeds from my mom's side at our house, and then Tues. going back to my in-laws' for C's extended fam. I'm a little miffed at C, too, because I hate waiting until the last min. to do things and I had a carefully planned house cleaning/holiday-readying (is that even a word) plan. Well, tonight, nothing done by hubby. I am pissed!
Too bad we're so far away...we could sit with a couple of ritas (I've got some glasses that someone gave me!) and complain. Bummer.
Oh yeah, I agree on the gift card thing. People like those, anyway. I've never said, "Ooh, a gift card? I HATE it!" :)
I love gift cards too. I am dropping bye and saying "HI". Christmas break is so boring. I just feel like doing something, however, we never have any money.
It sucks. Its' 60 degrees and doesnt' feel like christmas.
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