Wednesday, January 28, 2009

7 Random Things About Me

I have been tagged by wait another year, and asked to write 7 random things about myself.

Here goes.

  1. I have lived in California twice. My mom's family moved there was one reason, and my dad was offered a job was the other. It's where I started Kindergarten and then Junior High.
  2. Due to those moves, I was in three different kindergarten classes, two junior highs and two high schools.
  3. Even though I have moved often, I am still a reserved person. Once I get to know you, though, I will talk your ears off!
  4. I LOVE home remodels! I have only one room to go!
  5. The first thing I thought about Hubby when we met was that he had beautiful blue eyes. Then he started talking. That led to the second thing I liked about Hubby. I thought 'He has a career. And money.' (He knows this.) My 2+ year relationship had just broken up, so I came up with 'criteria' for the next guy I dated. He had to be at least 3 years older than me, education equal to or more than me, have a career, and have blue eyes (I have brown and just love blue eyes!) I know this all sounds snooty, but I had been in multiple relationships where I was older and felt like I had to make all the decisions about things. In both of my 2+ year relationships, the men and I had different interests. We were just different people. Both guys and I believed it was because we had different backgrounds. Gosh, it still sounds snooty!
  6. For most of my life I never imagined being a SAHM. When I was in my sophomore year of college, I believe I uttered these words. "Why go to college if all you're going to do is stay home. Hear me laugh now about the 'all' part. In my defense, my mom was a working mom. Part-time and then Full-time when we got older, so I just expected that I would do the same.
  7. I do worry that my kids may become my life. That after they grow up I won't know what to do with myself. I worry about not being able to get back in the workforce. And I especially don't want to be like a few of my mom's friends who were SAHMs. Their lives were their kids, so when the kids grew up and had children of their own, they babysat them. Also, one in particular defined herself by kids. If one got a better grade, we had to hear about it. If they got something nice, like a pool, we had to hear about it. Everything of theirs was always better. They always were competing to be the best. I just wanted to be me, so this made me not want to be friends with their daughter.


Wait Another Year said...

I also LOVE home remodels and interior decorating. I haven't done much of either but I watch HGTV all the time and know it would be something I'd enjoy a lot. I'm sure I'll be doing plenty of that later on when the kids are much older.

I don't think you sound snooty at all. You knew what you wanted and you went for it. Most women just settle and they end up miserable.

I never thought I'd be a sahm either but I love it, even though its tough financially. Plus, I won't be a sahm forever. I'll be going back to work this summer when the twins start preschool. What about you? How long are you planning on staying home?

Jen Taurus said...

My only Ahmen is that I did go to college and got my BS degree while I was single. This is probably the greatest things because once you have kids it changes everything.

I'm super responsible with daughter and wouldn't compromise anything because I love her and know I am responsible for her. Now, with that being said, I mighth ave to find a new field/go to school again because i need to make soem money. I'd hate to go back and become a nurse because I hate blood and guts, but i gotta get into something that pays.

I days of wating to teach are long over and adios. NY is as welcoming to southern trained teachers as the south is welcoming of northerners.

Wish me luck. I'm glad your still bloggin!