Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Kid's Going To Be All Right

This past weekend the Tot has decided to talk. When he wants to 'go' somewhere with us, he has said,"I go." When the dogs need to go outside he said, "Outside." He has also said, "Yah, Oh, wow!, uh-huh, uh-oh, all gone", and a host of others that are escaping my memory right now. I think that speech therapy may not be needed. We'll see. I am feeling a lot better about things now.I think the kid is going to be all right.


Kate said...

That's fantastic news!

I finally got Brody an evaluation referral- his appointment is next month. I really hope he starts talking more before then. :S

Anonymous said...

That is so great! I'm sure anything he says right now is music to your ears!!

formerteacher said...

Yah, these kids sure do MESS WITH OUR HEADS! I am so glad that Tot has decided to let us know that he can indeed talk! Now it's onto something else to worry about!