Life as a mom of boys, wife to my soulmate. Life is crazy around here, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Love in the Afternoon
Ahh..the benefits. Hubby's vacation has managed to occur during 'sex week'. I'm fairly certain he didn't plan it that way. Anyway, one afternoon I could tell he was in the mood, I knew I was in the mood, so I suggested putting on a video of S.'s choice, since Tot was napping, and getting busy. He was horrified, at first. He was afraid of our oldest walking in on us, and seeing something that would upset him for years to come. On a side note, when I was a kid my brother dared me to open my parents' door when it was closed one afternoon. All I can say is if you're going to have sex while the kids are awake, lock the door! I know that seems obvious, but for some people it is not. Apparently, it was not obvious to my own parents!
I told Hubby we would lock the door, put the t.v. and fan on for noise control, and be fast. Yes, our oldest is 4 1/2 and we had never done this before. What can I say? I think what made it so excellent was the thought that we could get caught. It felt like being a teenager again trying to make out on the couch while the parents were in the other room. Remember the Sex and the City episode where Miranda's new boyfriend could only have sex if they did it in public? He had to know there was a chance of getting caught to get turned on. Well, I'm certainly not that adventurous, but I will admit that there's something to that. I mean after nearly a decade of marriage, and cough, cough, more than that many years of sex together, things can get a little, well, blah.
Oh, and another benefit to vacation sex? How do I say this? Um, things take longer. While this can be frustrating for the Hubster, it is a win-win for me.
Some day when I'm dead and gone, my boys will find these posts, I print them, and will learn more about their parents than they ever wanted to know! But what I hope they learn is to never get complacent about their marriages. Be open to trying new things in all areas not just sexual ones. (Their father is getting better with that, and it certainly is nice.) Never take each other for granted. I can honestly say that my husband is my best friend, and I hope that they will be able to say thing about their wives. And after 12 years together, I am not bored being married to him. Not even a little bit.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Does Anyone Want To Guess?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Guilt, Guilt, Guilt
I don't know if anyone else struggles with when to call the doctor, but I do. Last night Tot was coughing repeatedly after we put him in his crib. For those who aren't familar with asthma, night coughing is a common sign. A little cough here and there is no big deal, but if it continues, it is. Well, for a bit after Hubster put him down, he was quiet. Actually, he was quiet until I finally started falling asleep. I have been having my own troubles sleeping lately. I know Hubby heard him, and I was trying to will him into getting up to check on Tot. Now, if I asked him if he heard the Tot then he would have told me to get up with him, and as I said, I was finally falling asleep. I felt like such a bad mother for feeling like I just didn't want to get up. The Tot did stop coughing, and I must have fallen asleep.
Today he was coughing on and off in the morning. I was going to go to the gym since I haven't been there in almost two weeks. That is not like me, but we were so busy last week with all of S.'s preschool activities. I debated about whether to go or not because they would have to go to the Kids' Area, which they both love, but still. Was it the right decision to make? Would it make his asthma worse? I decided that the activities he would be doing, mainly pushing cars around, would be the same ones he does at home, so it shouldn't make any difference. When I brought him in, I told the women about his asthma and how I had just given him an Albuterol treatment. I worried about him the whole time I exercised. Now I know that I needed to exercise since I haven't been feeling up to par in the old mood area as well as the physical area, but I continued to feel so guilty. I wondered if I just put my own needs in front of my son's. I continued to feel like a bad mother. I always put myself last. I know the analogy about how if there are problems on an airplane they tell the parent to put the oxygen mask on first, because if we don't we won't be able to help our children, but I have a hard time executing that plan. I didn't used to as much, but now I so do.
Well, as you probably already guessed, Tot's asthma did not get any better. Oh, no. It was worse, which of course did not help my guilt at all. Now I really don't think that being at the gym made it worse; I don't, but I still felt guilty. Then I wondered if I should call the doctor. I didn't want to unnecessarily call the doctor, as we all know what a pain in the ass it is being in a doctor's waiting room, and I also didn't want the Tot to pick up some virus there. Also, S. had his tumbling class which he looks forward to all week. I didn't want to disappoint him for nothing. I did decide to call the doctor when Tot couldn't even nap. They couldn't get me in until after S.'s tumbling, so that all worked out. And you know the outcome.
I just feel so bad for that little boy. I never had asthma, Hubby never had asthma. And as far as both of us know, no one in our families have had asthma either. Allergies, oh yes! Asthma, no. So I wonder what I could have done wrong that caused him to develop asthma. Do I not dust enough? Is it his bedding? Do I need to have the air vents cleaned out? (Oh, I'm gonna!) Does something in the carpeting bother him? Should I install hardwood floors in his room at least? Is it something that I took while I was pregnant? The list goes on, because I cannot figure this asthma thing out, and I want to fix this so badly for him. Hearing your child coughing so hard and often that he has problems breathing is so scary. A kid should not have to deal with this. I need to make this go away for him. But I can't seem to. I don't know what more to do for him. What is the right thing to do?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Happy Second Birthday, My Son

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Is There Such a Thing As Pedicure Etiquette?
Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm choosing to see my SILs pregnancy as her blessing. I have mine. As much as I hated infertility, it did teach me to think more about other people, to emphathesize, to be a better listener. It also brought my husband and I closer together. We believe we are better parents because of all that we have been through together. I know he's got my best interests in mind; he's got my back so to speak. And I have his. My therapist recently told me that couples who have gone through situations like ours tend to be closer than those who don't. Makes sense to me. So my husband and I were given our challenges for a reason. I may not like it, it may make me want to throw something and scream, but it isn't/wasn't for nothing. I am a better person than I was before infertility, PPD and loss. So my SIL is being given twin girls for a reason too. I have questioned myself whether I would want what she has ; if given in exactly the same way. I would have to say no. I adore my husband and my boys. I am happy with my life. I wouldn't want hers just so I could have twin girls. You all know how scared I was about having twins.
Unfortunately, my ILs have proven once again why we have to keep them out of our lives. With all the time that had passed, I began to forget exactly how they were. How awful it was to have them in our lives. How they seemed to be the only thing that caused us any grief. They can say it was all us until they are blue in the face. It just doesn't matter anymore. When you make a scene in God's house, at the grandson that you say you care so much about, christening. Well, the bottom line is you don't. When you make a scene in front of our house, in front of all of our neighbors demanding to see 'your grandchildren', it's not about being there for them anymore. It's about you. It's about control. It's not about love. So I've decided that people who delight in others' pain aren't worth my time. My ILs aren't worth any of my time. Never were. They have a sad life. Happy people don't act that way. Period. Now I am going to go play with my boys. I may not be able to dress them in pink, but they sure are a lot of fun!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Some People Are Just Assholes
My husband's family has wanted a girl baby since we announced we were having our first boy. And when S. was a baby, Hubby's aunt actually said to me that the next one 'better be a girl', because there are so much more things to buy for a girl. As if that were the purpose of my children's births: to give her something or someone to buy for for. And she was never able to have children. You'd think she'd be more sensitive, wouldn't you? Course, she also refused to consider adoption because 'their family doesn't adopt'. My MIL also hoped that Tot was a boy so much so that she kept telling me up until the week before his birth that she had talked with someone who's ultrasound said it was a boy, but it was a girl. I told her that we had a 4D ultrasound, and it said it was a boy. I saw the penis myself. Oh, and when I told Hubby's aunt that I thought Tot was a boy, she said, "Ohhhh, no." I then gave her a piece of my mind. How we were happy to be having any gender of child, and until the 20-week unltrasound we still couldn't get totally excited because Hubby's brother died at 1-month of age. He was missing part of his heart when he was born. It's a congenital defect, that we pray our baby doesn't have. We had to have state-of-the-art ultrasounds so that we could make sure that our baby's heart was intact. It made me red with anger, that I was basically being told that a girl a baby was worth more to them than a boy baby. Why? Why did it matter to them so much? I wanted a boy and a girl equally. I would have been just as upset about not having a boy, as I would be about not having a girl. I mainly wanted a girl so that I could have a mother-daughter relationship again. It wasn't at all about clothes and toys or anything else.
So fast forward to yesterday's mail, keeping in mind that it is the day before Mother's Day, and my mother is dead. Think about how that envelope with its 'Twin Girls' proclamation made me feel. Hubby didn't even mince words. He said it was to throw it in our faces that we never had a girl, and his sister is. (His sister has always been the 'golden child' in his family.) Like look what you never could do. Yah, that's love. He also said they are so petty. To purposely want to hurt their son and his wife is beyond sick. And what they are basically saying is that our sons aren't good enough. To them. Simply because they are boys. Hubby also says that his family believes that he will come to his senses at some point, and divorce the bitch AKA 'me', and come back to the family. So Sopranos, don't you think, and they're not even Italian!
We went to dinner, and I had a glass, or two, of wine to relax. I was sad about my mother not being around to celebrate Mother's Day with, as well as my inability to get pregnant and give a sister to my boys. S. has actually been telling us he wants a sister. I was also angry that supposed 'family' would pull this crap. When we got home, the boys were asleep; we had a sitter. I got into my oldest's bed and cuddled with him. As I lay there feeling his chest rise and fall with every breath he took, I felt such pride. How blessed I am. I wish I could slow down the time, and make my boys stop growing up so damn fast, but I can't. It wouldn't be fair to them anyway.
This morning the boys came up to my bed, and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. Hubby had them wearing matching shirts with the words 'My mommy loves me' on them. And I do. I love them for so many reasons. And I promise never to be the MIL to their wives as mine has been to me. That's my gift to them. I will love them whether they have boys or girls, or no children at all. Whether they fulfill their goals, or even if they give up. I will love them because they are my sons. My gifts from God. I could never stop loving them no matter what. My love is not conditional.
Friday, May 11, 2007
ALWAYS Follow the Directions!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
- I should be unplugging my cellphone charger when I'm not using it. This also applies to any small appliance not in use. Apparently, there is still some electricity going through said appliance. If I don't do this, I am damaging mother earth.
- Make sure I make it clear to the kiddies to turn off the water when they aren't using it. Like when S. is brushing his teeth and still leaves the water running. This actually does drive me nuts!
- Put all recycleables in designated receptable. I cringe every time I throw junk mail in the regular garbage can. The landfills must be full of all the paper I've thrown out. Oh, and all of the disposable diapers we've used too.
I think you get the idea. The thing of the matter is that I do this with everything in my life, not just the environment. I tell myself I 'should' never raise my voice at the kids no matter what they have done. Moms aren't supposed to yell. I tell myself I 'should' call a certain friend, who I do enjoy spending time with, but doesn't understand that it is very hard to talk on the phone while the kids are up. And every time we talk, it is a very long conversation and I do most of the listening. I tell myself I need to make sure the kids eat fruits and veggies every day at at least two meals. I mean if I don't start them eating healthy now, they are going to grow up into obese adults. That would be my fault. Think of all the health risks! And today, I told myself I 'should' be happy for my SIL, Hubby's sister, who told us only an hour ago, that not only is she having twins but she's having twin girls. And we all know how much I wanted a daughter. I should be happy for her, but I'm not. Not yet, at least.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The First R...
Did I also mention how obsessed S. is with numbers. Yep. He found my old calculator from my work days, and has been attached to it ever since. When we were at my brother's house Saturday and I couldn't find the bugger, my dad found him with three calculators in front of him. He was in heaven! I'm pretty sure I made the right decision enrolling him in his preschool's extended program next year! He'll go from 9AM-2PM three days a week. He'll be challenged, which he needs. And maybe next year he'll be able to read. No pressure, though. I've never pressured him to do anything more than he's ready to do. No matter what, I love that boy more than I can describe in mere words. My first baby boy. My buddy. My everything.
Monday, May 07, 2007
The SAHM Blahs
- Always put on some form of make up before leaving the house, so that I never 'let myself go' because I'm a mom.
- Don't only wear 'mom clothes'. Dress my age, not like a frumpy schoolmarm.
- Don't feel like I have to ask my husband's permission to buy or do something because he 'makes the money.'
- My husband and I are equals, so everything, including the kids and housework as well as time to ourselves, will be equally divided.
- Remember that my job as a SAHP is as important, if not more important than the job he does all day.
I could go on and on, but I think those show the jist of what I'm talking about.
This past weekend Hubby went out of town on an all men's retreat. I was very happy that he wanted to go, as he is a very shy person. Plus, the topic was something he has been struggling with lately. However, it means that I will be 'working' 11 days without a break when this weekend rolls around. At any rate, I was in need of a break before he even left. Did I mention how I forgot it was my niece's communion on Saturday. Oh, yes. We are not Catholic, so I didn't know how big a girl's first communion is, but it was big! I had to find a gift and clothes for the boys to wear, all the day before while by myself. Then the I had to take the boys with me by myself. Luckily, my dad was there to help me, and the kids actually sat through the entire hour long mass. Both of them! Believe, me. I know the big guy was watching over me! I had tried to make sure the boys and I looked nice, and took a picture to commemorate the event. This is what I got:
Who knows what the Tot was looking at. And I'm wearing the outfit my husband told me to buy. I wanted to return it, because when am I ever going to wear it? We are more casual at our church, and it just isn't appropriate for parent-tot tumbling. I mean where do I go that warrants a silk skirt and top with, you can't see them, three inch heels?! Not comfortable!
I must admit that I pretty much only wear jeans. My mom uniform seems to be jeans and a v-neck shirt in either brown, black or gray. So much for not dressing frumpy. I also feel like my time is not my own, and if I am by myself, I am always in a hurry to get back home because someone there has something to do. Tomorrow S.'s preschool is having a special event, so there goes even the thirty minutes I spend with friends at the local bagel store eating lunch with our little ones after tumbling. Wednesday I have a MOPS administration meeting, because one day when I must hav ebeen on drugs(kidding!)I agreed to be next year's leader of the entire group. WTF was I thinking! Then on Saturday morning, there is the Vacation Bible School leaders breakfast at 8:30 AM! Oh, then Mother's Day the next day in which I am supposed to teach a Sunday School lesson that ties into Mother's Day. Yah, on the one day of the year I can barely get out of bed. So, no time for myself ever. I can't even make it to the gym.
I just feel so unattractive lately. My face broke out a month ago, and does not appear to be getting any better despite spending mucho dinero on acne products at Sephora. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on what to do for adult acne?
But the worst thing that has happened lately is that I feel like I have to justify purchases to Hubby. Not the every day stuff. But I feel like I need to ask permission to, for example, update my bathroom. Not gut it, just update it. A new vanity, floor, lighting and paint. I'm even nervous to suggest it. This is not like me, and feeling this way pisses me off!
Does anyone feel like they are in charge of all the childcare? Hubby has a work event next week, which I need to go to with him. At any rate, guess who ended up finding a sitter? Yep, and it isn't even my thing! If it has to do with the kids, it's my thing. Hubby doesn't even realize this, I know, but I'm getting tired of it.
I'm am feeling so overwhelmed lately. So uninspired, so uncreative, so blah.