Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Is There Such a Thing As Pedicure Etiquette?

I went to get a pedicure the other day, and was really looking forward to relaxing. I was looking forward to the quiet, to soaking my feet and having my nails get painted by somebody other than myself. It started out okay. And then I heard it. This really annoying ring tone. What is up with those anyway? Then the woman next to me asked her nail tech. to actually go into her purse and get her phone out! I was hoping she would just tell the person she would call them back, but oh, no. Then she got another call, and proceeded to talk. Now this is a small room with only two chairs. Come on! I could hear the whole conversation, and it was not interesting at all. Anyway, don't you think it's rude to sit and talk on the phone during a spa appointment? I mean I'm sorry to have to tell some people this, but you're not that important. If they aren't doctors or other emergency personnel, then they can wait to talk to someone. It's not crucial, and it just ends up pissing some of us off.


Mary Ellen and Steve said...

How annoying! I am sorry she was so rude!

Jen Taurus said...

Excuse me, was that you next to me? I am so not into cell phones, it will ring again and it can wait.
However, don't ask me to give up the Ipod.

I was sitting next to a woman at my pedicure who kept saying I'm married to a DOCTOR so I don't work. Oh and my bmw my dr husband bought me, I finally asked and who does your massages. I meant it to be sarcastic. She looked down on me, and saw how down I was. With my pretty little lilac toes and flowers on the big ugly toes. Um yeah, what ever dr's wife. You are nothign wihtout his money. THen the yappers came in on the cell phone. I think it's rude, people lack the common courtsey to keep things private. Who cares if it's to pick up milk, if I Wanted everyone to know I'd have them page me at walmart to tell me to pick up the milk. Some things won't change.