How did this happen? You turned two years old today, and to me, it feels like you were just born. Where did the time go? You are my baby, but I guess that doesn't mean you're going to stay a baby forever.

Even though you've only been here two years, it seems like forever. You're our comedian; must be a second child thing as I was the same way apparently. You have learned so much in the past year. Soon after your first birthday, you learned to walk. Now you're running everywhere! We can't get you to slow down!
You LOVE to eat! I can depend on you to eat anything I make. Every time you see me cooking, or when we're at the grocery store, you start making this 'Oh, Oh....!' sound that gets progressively louder, and causes others to laugh with you. Lately, you also make that noise when you see flowers or dogs. Man are you a dog lover! You love to give Madison a hug and a pat on the head every day. Casper is not as happy to let you pet him as Maddy is, but you don't seem to notice.

You are your brother's best friend. He looks forward to getting you up each morning. He wants you with him everywhere he goes, and you seem to feel the same. You two seem to have your own language, and you laugh at what each other is saying or doing. I am so glad that God blessed your brother with you. I never understood the bond between brothers until I saw you two. It is simply the sweetest thing I have ever seen, and it brings tears to my eyes when I see how happy you both are to have each other. Your father and I definitely made the right decision to keep on trying to have you. (You are currently on the floor trying to take your clothes off. You want to take a shower; you love your showers!)
I feel not only blessed that God gave a brother to S., but that He gave you to us, my son. You bring a smile to my face every morning. You are an early bird, but that's okay. I don't think I can put into words just how much you have added to our lives. Just know that the world is a better place with you in it, and that there are so many of us that love you. I cherish every day I am blessed to spend with you. I love you more than you will ever be able to understand until you have your own child some day. Happy second birthday, our little miracle baby.

You also loved going to swim classes at our gym. The teacher said you are such a little fish, she feels you'll be swimming in no time! She used you for many of the demonstrations, even dunking your head under the water! You didn't even cry. We met your new friends Gregory and Madeline there, and we have so much fun going to the park and lunches with them. It is so great to have good friends. Us mommies get along well too:)
You are so good when we go out, but when we are at home, you let us see your temper. You definitely express your opinions! Whenever it's time to go inside, you just scream and cry. You'd stay outside all day if we let you! You'd play with your car, trucks or lawnmower and never come in if you could! You also love to be read to, and love your time time spent at tumbling class. You are always in motion. A true boy for sure!

Beautiful post. :)
ps- Rockinmom
How sweet Bev. You wrote this so well. In my heart I know princess needs a sibling. Is it selfish to want to keep her to ourselves? Yes, it is. I know she'd be an awsome big sister, I just worry can I handle two kids? Starting from scratch.
My mom has SIX kids by 34 Bev. SIX KIDS. I feel whoozy. None of them are close, the last of us are close but the other 4 are enemies because of how they were parented.
I am so happy to read how happy you are all as a famly and how tot completes the 4 some. Wish me luck I as plung into TTC after 7 years. I don't have a book left to read, I don't remember what to do and not to do.
Catch Ya later.
Children truly are God's blessings on us, aren't they? Hope the Tot had a great birthday!
I hope that Tot had a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!!
What a lovely post to Tot. :)
I can't believe how much he's changed since last summer!
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