Monday, July 09, 2007

Good-bye to the 'Girl Room'

After having two boys, I decided that at least one room had to be mine; girl's only okay! Officially this 'all-girl' room is no longer all- girl. On Saturday night we put S. to bed in underwear. Yes, he's been potty-trained for a year and a half+, but we have been putting a diaper on him every night. In the beginning, it was because we knew for sure that he couldn't wake up dry. Then it became a 'next weekend' kind- of thing. As in 'next weekend we'll try leaving him in underwear overnight.' I admit, I was being lazy. I loathed the idea of waking up and having to change the sheets. Finally, I decided I had to try it, and Hubby agreed. S. was actually very excited. We told him if he had to go to the bathroom, to go ahead and get up and go to Mommy's bathroom. "Mommy's bathroom???!!!", he said making sure that he had heard correctly. We tucked him in for the night, and in less than ten minutes, we hear him moving the wooden stool over the ceramic floor in my bathroom. (In Daddy's bathroom he has a lighter, plastic stool). It seems he needed to make a poop. He yelled down for some wipes. Later I see a poop-stained wipe in my garbage. Yuk! So there. No more girly room. It's all-boys, all the time around here!


Anonymous said...

Sad farewell to the Girls' Room, but excellent news for S being out of diapers! I hate to admit this, but I still have not attempted to let Rachel wear underwear at night. I am a big wimp. I mean, she's almost 5.5 years old! Problem is, I had that issue when I was little (and we all know there weren't pullups back then!), so I figure there's part of that in her. I also know she is being lazy, because I've caught her peeing in the pullup when she was still awake. Could very well be a combination or even all laziness (hers and MINE). Some day I'll be brave...

MB said...

Small comfort, I know, but at least it made the garbage can!

Jen Taurus said...

SOrry Bev. Kinda made me sad. I keep telling my family, I want a 3 bedroom and when I get one I want my own room. No one is allowed in it. I don't know if you let the kids play in your room, but I am SICK of toys popping up in my sheets during the night and on the nightstand. Atleast you have boys with trucks and not tiny polly pockets and stuff.

I wish we could hang out.