So many things have changed since then. You are no longer totally dependent on us. This year you started talking...and talking. You give your brother a run for his money! Things are never quiet in this house. You definitely have your own opinions, and have mastered the word ,"No!". You idolize your brother, and when he's not around, you ask us over and over,"Where is S.?" Your big brother loves you too. He tries to teach you new things, and show you the things that he has learned. We can always find you by seeing where your brother is at! You have also started taking off your own shoes, putting your coat on the coat chair, putting your dishes in the dishwasher, putting your scraps in the garbage and putting the clean utensils away. You love to help me unload the dishwasher, and hand me things one by one, or at least put them on the counter. If something, such as a piece of paper, is on the floor you yell,"Uh-Oh!", and pick it up.
You love being outdoors! You would stay there all day if we let you. You try to ride your brother's new bike, and even though he's not happy, he helps push you around on it. Coloring has been on your list as one of your favorite indoor activities. Well, mainly watching us color. We recently painted some clay pots, and you loved it. This was the first activity that you were able to focus on for an hour. I had to tell you it was time to stop! It was so messy that it took me an hour to clean up. S. and you HAD to have showers, and your clothes had to be washed ASAP! Ahhh...but you had fun.
You are a people person, that's for sure! You love your 'Am-pa', as well as every one in our family. You love to talk on the phone to any of them. Today you talked to Cousin Michael, and you laughed and laughed.
Thomas, or any, trains continue to be your favorite. Mommy even made you a train cake for your birthday, which didn't turn out like I wanted, but you loved it anyway. When I was upstairs, you yelled,"I love you Mommy. Thank you for train cake." That melted my heart. It made the many hours I spent making it, as well as the inability to wash off the blue dye from the frosting, worth it. I looked like a smurf; hands, teeth, lips all covered in blue but you loved me anyway. You are very affectionate and often give us squeeze hugs. Your brother also constantly gives you hugs and kisses until you get tired of them, but you put up with it for a long time. You seem to think, 'Hey, it's my brother. It's okay.'
Speaking of food, oh my goodness, do you love to eat! We hear you say,"I eat? I eat?", when it gets close to meal time. Macaroni and cheese remains your favorite meal. You could eat it for lunch and dinner one day only to eat it again the next. Your brother often gets tired of it, but you don't seem to mind.
The new thing you are learning to do is going on the potty. One day you decided you didn't want a diaper anymore. Now we don't hear,"Butt hurt. Butt hurt," every time you poop in your diaper. Your brother showed you how to sit on the potty, and just like he did, you want to sit on the big potty. No little potty or toilet ring for you! You have mastered going pee to the point of going on the potty by yourself, but you still hide in the corner to poop. It's been frustrating for all of us. Flushing the toilet and washing your hands are what you like best about using the potty. You also continue to be the comedian of our family. You make us laugh all the time by making silly faces or sounds.
Well, our little miracle baby we are so happy to have you as part of the family. As I look at you playing by yourself or with you brother, I smile. Sometimes I still can't believe you are here. A dream answered, our little toe head. Your Aunt Ellen and I call you 'Little Jeff', because you look so much like your daddy did at your age. I am trying my best to be a good mom for you. Daddy is gone often, and your brother, as well as you and I miss him so much. It's hard being 'the three musketeers, but we do okay. Monkey Boy, know that you are precious to me. To us all. God gave us a blessing the day you were born, a true gift. Your Daddy and I will always be here for you, no matter what. Please remember that. Happy Third Birthday, and many more my baby!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness..I hadn't seen a face shot of Tot in a few months and he looks like such a big boy now!
Happy Birthday, Buddy!
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