gestating! Wow, I often forget how large I was when I was pregnant with the boys. I have a belly shot sans shirt which really spotlights the large belly, but I think you get the idea with just this picture. At times, though, I think I looked better pregnant. I don't know if it's having a baby in my 30's verses 20's, but these last ten, at least, pounds are going to have to be beaten off of me. 10 months past S.'s birth, I was already fitting back into my sizes. I feel all innertube-like around my waist. Hubby says at least I haven't gained anything, which is true considering my eating habits of late. My motto is: Fast and easy! (No laughing. Get your minds out of the gutter!)Let's just say the people at various fast food establishments know me and my order by heart. I get the,"Oh, how are you doing
today?", or my favorite,"Don't you ever eat anything different?" Nope I am a basic kind-of gal. Why do I order a plain hot dog at Portillo's? Do I really love the flavor of them that much? Nope. If I order them plain, I don't have to worry about spilling in the car or on myself, as well as the fact that I can eat my whole lunch before I even get home, thus allowing me the ability to feed my boys in addition to having actually eaten something myself. I keep telling myself that some day I will get to sit down and eat again. Some day.
Wow, you looked fabulous! I looked something that got caught in the drain the week before I had Brody. LOL.
I was reading comments on "Our Journey Back from the Pain" and I noticed your question about the UTI. It always takes me 2-3 days before things feel "normal" again. I take Uristat until then. There's my unsolicited 2 cents. ;)
I get the damn things all the time too. Have since I was very little, so did my mom and grandma. I hate it when I know and the doc/nurse talks to me like I'm an idiot. Just gimme the freaking drugs already, I know the drill.
The only time I had that antibiotic for 5 days was when G was born and I convinced the doc to give it to me with no peeing in a cup. He said if the 5 days course didn't work then I would have to do the cup. Thankfully it worked.
I usually get relief right away, but you can get Pyridium over the counter now. It's the stuff that makes the pain stop but turns your pee orange. It's called Uristat and is made by the people who make Monistat. The package says to take one pill every 4 hours, but you can take 2. I usually do that for the first day or so while the antibiotics take hold.
I don't take the macrobid (same thing you got) because lately the bacteria I'm getting don't respond to it. Keflex (Cephalexin) is a little stronger and I have better results with it. This time I got Cipro, which is what they treat anthrax with if you can believe it. Whatever, I felt better an hour after the first pill.
Damn, I know too much about this stuff...
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