Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Miracle is One

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I gave birth to our miracle baby. The baby we never thought we'd have. I remember thinking he was so sweet, and wanting to constantly hold him after he was born. He had the sweetest eyes, and seemed to love being held from the moment he was born. His birth was so much easier than his brother's, and we bonded immediately. He made me feel complete.

He had to deal with an experienced, yet depressed mama, and I prayed to God often that he would never know that. Never remember it. I think we both grew a lot this year. He in size and ability; me in finding who I am and believing in myself. I owe most of my resolve to better myself to this little baby boy. So young, but already so important to many people.

He has a brother who tells us often how happy he is to have a little brother. A brother who kisses and hugs him so much that his brother gets tired of it! A brother who is happy not to be alone, but to have a brother to share his life with. We are so grateful to God for this too.

So little boy, please know you are my heart, my soul. You made our family complete. Your father and I hope you have a great first birthday, and that you know how much you are loved. Forever, my son. Forever.

1 comment:

MB said...

Happy birthday sweet Tater Tot!