It's hard to believe that four years ago, I gave birth to our first child. And what a chunk he was! That child weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 22 inches long! So much for my doctor's prediction that he would be in the 7 pound range! He was almost two pounds heavier than I was at birth, but he is built so much like me now at the tender age of four. He also looks just like me, particularly as a child. I love that, I must admit!
S. has made our lives infinitely more chaotic, but definitely better. Some days he has so much energy that I have a hard time keeping up with him! He is definitely all 'boy'. He loves to wrestle with either mommy or daddy. He wishes that the Tot was big enough to wrestle; he wants to play with him all the time. S. also loves to run, help out in any capacity he can and he LOVES his books. He often can be found reading in his bed during quiet time. S. loves to talk, and his vocabulary is excellent! Some days he exhausts my patience, but on others he can get me out of any funk I may be in. He loves to hug, and he loves to tell us he loves us. We always tell each other how we feel. Hubby and I think it's very important for the boys to know they are loved.

S. has begun preschool this year, and boy does he love it! He seems to be doing well. When I volunteered to go on last week's field trip, I had to go inside the school and wait while they had their 'circle time' morning activities. He was able to sit on the circle almost the entire 20 minutes. His teachers tell me he plays well with others, and is a good student. S. will point out letters wherever we go. Jusy last week, while at Ann Taylor Loft, he pointed out all of the letters in their window. I was talking to one of my mom's friends at the time and she said, "He must be a teacher's son." I'm being honest when I tell you that I never pushed anything academic. I let him direct what and when he was ready to learn something new. And boy when he was ready, he was ready!

Hubby and I cannot believe he is already four years old. It's true what people tell you. The days are long, but the years are short. I will never regret my decision to stay at home with him. I got to see so much. He was my buddy; he went everywhere with me, and that's how I wanted it! When I was having such a hard time with my mom's death, he helped me to smile. And laugh. And believe that there was something in this world that was good. That even though my best girlfriend was dead, there was someone else who needed me too. Who loved me for me. Some days just being with him helped to lift my spirit and get through another day. So my son, always know that I love you with all of my heart and soul. I love you even when you yell, "MOM!!!!....." like a teenager! As I always say to you, no matter what you do or what you say, I will always love you. Nothing could make me stop. You are one of the two best things that I hav
e ever done in my life. Your father and I created you, but you made us a family.

What a nice birthday tribute to your first born son! It seems like you and S will have a close relationship like you and your Mom did. That is so great.
p.s. My girls would be jealous to know that he got the "Curious George" movie for his birthday!
Aww, that was so sweet!
Happy birthday, S!
Colleen, Thank you very much! Yep, my son and I have a very special relationship similar to my mom and mine. Hopefully, he'll still want to see me when he gets older:(
Thanks Kate!
Thanks Sandi! I can't believe you have a 15 1/2 year old son! The years go by too quickly!!!
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