S. still has not adjusted to the time change. He is still getting up between 5:30-6:00AM! I am NOT a morning person AT ALL! Prior to the time-change, he would get up between 7:00-7:30. Not great, but do-able. Whenever I try to tell him it is too early to get up, he tells me the sun is out. Meaning, it must not be too early, the sun is out! Ughhhhh.....!!! S. has never had this problem before. I don't get it. He was always my late sleeper. Now that title has been given over to his brother. How long will this last??? I am SO tired!!!
Also, how long will these political commercials last? We've had our current governor running them for months already. The slogan, 'What's she thinking?' keeps replaying in my mind. I know this is what they want, but it just ticks me off, and I end up disliking the candidate even more. I am ready for these smear-campaigning commercials to be over with! I am sick of hearing how awful the other candidate is. These commercials never tell us the important things we need to know, like a candidate's position on important issues. Instead, they just tell us what the opposing candidate's position is, which may or may not be the truth. It's maddening! And I don't know about your state, but there is so much corruption here. The FBI is investigating our current governor for corruption, and what they found appears to make the allegations true. However, the candidate running against him used to work under the former governor who is now going to jail under the whole 'License for Bribes' case. There appears to be corruption everywhere. I could go into the whole Stroger power play for County Board President, but I will spare you. Let's just say, we aren't known as the 'Windy City for nothing'! I also am having a hard time believing that any politician gives a damn about people like you and me. It seems they only care about what you can possibly do for them. And if that's nothing, then you are a non-issue to them. It's really sad.
Onto S. again. He will not take a nap or be quiet during 'quiet time'. Can anyone give me any ideas about how to change that as I am at the end of my line. 5:30Am to 7:30PM is a long damn day with no break. Plus, the little monkey is SO crabby in the evening since he obviously is very tired. It's enough to make me want to have a glass of wine to mellow out so I don't snap at him, and say something I don't mean.
How long will this all last???........................................................
Our little cutie: Tater Tot!

Followed by S., who has been our early-riser, thus crabby boy! The picture says it all.

Can watching a show count as S's "quiet time"? Or playing on the computer? Those are some of the things Rachel does if/when Lauren naps (OOH, do we have issues, as Lauren is only 2.5 and still NEEDS that nap, but has been squeaking by on maybe 2-3 naps a week, or 10 minute car naps on the way to drop off/pick up Rachel from school). I can appreciate your desperation here. Us SAHMs need some quiet time ourselves!
As for the political crap, I am through with it as well. We were out of town over the week-end and there were 5 messages on our machinewhen we returned--ALL of them were political garbage! I swear I'll be voting for the people I think ran the least sleezy, pushy campaign, rather than the candidate who is truly the better one. I wish we could just hear all the good things the candidates have done and then make our decisions based on that. It's impossible, of course, seeing as we can't get away from all the negative ads. They're even on our own phone lines!!
I am in the same boat with you! My older one has always been the early riser, but she also thinks sun up=time to get up. I have not really been able to break this annoying habit either and will be checking back to see if anyone else gives you good advice. As for quie time, I gave her a clock and have been telling her that she can get up when the long hand is pointing at the 6. Unfortunately, she figured out how to make the hands move so we switched to a digital. Now I tell her when it says 2-3-0 you can come find me. Otherwise, play quietly or read in your room until then.
Also, I am so sick of RB and JBT that I want to vote for the Green Party candidate just to spite them and the millions they spent on those stupid commericals. You know its bad when your 3 year old says "Mama, what's she thinking?" Ugh!!
It all over after tomorrow!! (For this year)
Colleen, we too have had messages from politicians on our phone line! MAddening!
Chris, I am so sick of those candidates too! I am going to vote in a few hours, when hubby gets home, and then I hope that the right, qualified people get in. We can only hope!!!
Quiet time went better yesterday and today. Go figure. He's also watching a video right now, so today has been good. I'll keep you all updated!!!
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