Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Apparently, I Am a Slow Learner

While I was trying to Christmas shop this morning, I was getting a little pissed off by the lack of common courtesy. You know, people walking slow, people cutting in front of me while walking thus almost causing me to run right into their backs, people talking loudly on their cell phones... It was almost too much. Then I thought to myself,'Why is this all bothering me so much? What did I expect, it is the holiday rush and all.' Then I remembered, it is day 28 of my cycle meaning good ol' AF is due to make her appearance any time now. My conclusion is that PMS and Christmas shopping don't mix. Course, I don't know what does go with PMS, but it certainly isn't Christmas shopping!


TL said...

What does go with PMS? Why CHOCOLATE of course!

Congrats on not maiming anyone for the holidays :)


Anonymous said...

You're not helping me get out there and shop.....just gave me the reason why I, too, should not be out there! And, I agree with tl, CHOCOLATE will help. Excuse me while I polish off what's left of my chocolate chip cookie dough!! May have to bust open the peanut M&Ms!

formerteacher said...

TL and Colleen: Chocolate DID help. Fannie May creams----YUMMMMMM!!!!! Hopefully the chocolate helped you Colleen, too!