Remember this??? Ah, the infamous poop mural. Notice the date? Now look below at the date on yesterday's Valentine crafts pictures. Yah. Proof I need to be watching S. closely this time next year.
For the last two weeks, S. has been a dream. I have enjoyed spending time with him so much. He is at the point where he wants to learn, and being a former teacher, I am only too eager to oblige! He loves his velcro calendar, even does it himself now, loves to do crafts, help me out in any way, and loves to complete pages in his new 'preschool big book of skills'. So far he has totally mastered the meaning of 'same' and 'different', 'big' and 'small' and a host of others that I won't bore you with. He has been so smiley and so agreeable, which is why I never saw what happened yesterday coming.

Yesterday, he went to preschool. It was 'show and tell' day, and I even let him bring his special colored pencils with his preschool big book to share with the class. He was beyond excited! Even when he came home he was wonderful. He ate all of his lunch, cleared his plate and put it in the sink without me even reminding him. My brother brought his cousin over for a bit to play with him. Then we put up our Valentine's Day things. I even let him put the clings on the back door by himself. (Being an anal, control-orientated person, this was harder for me than you'd think.) Here are the photos. He loved doing the paper chain almost more than putting the clings up!
Then we heard the Tot wake up from his nap. S. wanted to get him, which I usually let him do. I get him out of the crib and change his diaper, but S. likes to be the first one in the room. Well, I made a snack for them both. When they finished, we went downstairs in their playroom area. Then my friend called, and all hell broke loose.
S. ran up behind Tater Tot and pushed him hard. Tot fell down and cried, I got off the phone and immediately put him in his room. He knows this is the consequence of hurting his brother. Now you are probably thinking that was the end of it. Silly me, I thought so too! When I went up to his room to fetch him, I noticed something on his baseball throw rug. (See below.)
I asked him if he had peed on it. He replied that he had, and even told me how it all went down. Apparently my angel pulled his pants down and deliberately peed on his own rug because he was mad that I was on the phone. Lovely, ain't it? His punishment??? I got a rag and put soap and water on it. I told him he was to clean his rug. When hubby got home an hour later, S. was still cleaning that rug. I can tell you this. He will not do that again any time soon. He said he was so tired from cleaning. Tell me about it! My dad's dog threw up three times yesterday. I can tell you this though. Our rugs are very clean now, and S. was a much better boy today. Thank you Lord!
Oh my! It's amazing how a toddler can turn on a dime like that! I think that him cleaning it up probably helped him to really remember why he doesn't want to do that again, too.
LOVE the paper chain - great idea! I think I'll have to steal it from you. :)
If it makes you feel better-- one of the boys I babysit for pee'd all over my basement last week. He went in like 4 diffrent spots.I have no idea why. ugh
I can't get the stench to go away. Eck
Stanley Steamers is making a trip to my house next Friday.
Oh and I need you to e-mail me- I don't have and can't find your e-mail addy to give you my new url.
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