About 6 months ago, the Tot started saying real words. You know, words other than 'mama' and 'dada'. It was great, but then the realization hit that my son would soon be talking, and we all know that that is when the trouble truly begins.
The Tot has not said more than a few words since that time. He was even saying 'thank you', and now for months it has been zip. Zlich. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Having had a son already to compare his progress to, I suddenly realized that the Tot was lagging way behind his brother. Now his brother said his first word at 7 months, which I know is early, and never stopped talking since that point, so I must admit that the Tot learning to talk has not been on my list of 'I can't wait until he....' lists. However, as we near his second birthday, I know he is getting further and further behind. His pediatrician told me that he needs to be saying sentences by that time, and, well, he hasn't been saying much more than mama and dada lately. No, make that simply 'ma' and 'da'. It seems my son is regressing a bit.
The thing is I KNOW he can say other words, he just doesn't want to. Wait, before you label me as one of those moms who simply doesn't want to admit her son's limitations, let me explain. Whenever we tell the Tot to say 'thank you' or 'excuse me' or any number of words that he has said before, he looks at us with a smile on his face and promptly stops making any noises. Sometimes he even goes as far as laughing at us. Even S. has been trying to get him to talk to him! The funny thing is that S. gets the same response as we do.
I go back and forth between thinking 'I am a bad mother because I am actually happy the kid rarely says anything' to'What if there is something wrong with him?'. Mainly I think that he'll talk when he wants to talk. He can communicate with us just fine by shaking his head up and down, so he obviously understands what we're saying. Plus, he's the second born. Everyone seems to talk for him. And apparently, I myself was a late talker. My mother swore that I didn't talk until I was three years old, whereupon I have never stopped!
So, what do you think? Is Tot a late talker who is content to let everyone do the talking for him, or is his speech really delayed? I want to do what is best for him, but I also don't want to overreact. Any opinions?
When my son (who is now 9) was 2 - he was hardly talking at all. His speech was delayed. At the time, I was told to wait until he neared three to have him tested. I waited until he was about 2 1/2. He was indeed delayed and was placed, through our local school district in a wonderful early intervention program. My only regret is that I didn't get him in the program earlier. He had a rather complicated speech disorder that resolved over time but I firmly believe that early intervention was critical. Truly, what do you have to lose by having him tested? Best of luck! Maureen
This is the last thing you need to be dealing with, especially at this time of the year. My hunch is he might be just letting other's do for him. However, I know that it could be masking something and you never want to wait on something that can be treated.
Princess didn't talk until after 2, maybe closer to 3. I remember her using one word sentences when she was 2. It seems to me she was closer to 3 before anything was flowing. She did have ear troubles which I think delayed her from walkin before 1.
Some kids are really talkative. I have a friend whose got a 4 year old who is rude and crude, she has a second baby on the way. I don't think anyone will ever hear him, because all the older kid does is scream, scream at mom and dad and will scream at the brother too.
Go with your heart, if you need to have him tested, do it. Otherwise, your heart is going to be sick from the guilt.
Here's my two cents--First, I think the most important thing is that he seems to be understanding you. If he understands you, then chances are his hearing is okay, which probably means he's not "delayed" due to a hearing issue. You said that he was able to say a bunch of words before, so he CAN do it, but for some reason he is not. He does get a certain amount of entertainment from you guys when he does not say what you want him to, so there's that. But would a Tot who is under two years old torture his parents, just to torture them? Doubtful. Does he behave any differently when S is not around? Has S been getting a lot of attention lately that would cause Tot to seek attention? Maybe when you're alone with Tot, you can get him to talk. Play something he really likes to play, and use that time to "trick" him into talking. Hold up a toy he really likes and try to get him to say what it is in order for him to have it. Look at books with him and ask him what the pictures are. I would try little games like that when S is not around so you can see if maybe he'll talk for you since he has your full attention, and because S won't be able to talk for him, so he'll have to try. Any of that help or sound like good advice? Hope so!
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