Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Wasn't This No-Sleep Crap Supposed to be Over Already!

At 3:00 in the morning, I woke up to horrible hacking. The kind of cough that you know isn't going to end any time soon. And. It's. Right. Next. To. You......Now I felt bad for my husband, I really did. But it was three o'clock in the morning! When he finally decided he better get up and see if he could find something to help him, I thought,'For the love of God stop coughing! I am SO tired!' When he came back to bed only to start coughing again, I only felt slightly bad when he picked up his pillow and blanket to head downstairs.

Today began with a cup of coffee and was followed by a Double Big Gulp chaser. Even that amount of caffeine wasn't a match for the fatique that I felt. I felt like I had a newborn who wasnt sleeping. Yet another reason why there will be no more children at our house.

***The only bright spot came when I stepped on the scale after working out. I had lost a pound during the holiday season! How did this happen you ask. Well, it's the one gift that depression gives to me. If only I could find a better way to lose weight!


Anonymous said...

Sleep deprivation...I think that is the worst thing about becaoming a parent (one of the worst things, anyway!). Had to laugh at the "big gulp chaser" though! And you say you lost a pound? During the holidays? Don't know if I can read this blog anymore! tee hee hee.....just jealous.

Jen Taurus said...

I hate when I cannot sleep. We went through the coughing thing until they myrtar went to the urgent care and got a z pack and some cough syrup.\\\\

I need some stomach medicines. Wehre did I get this virus from?
I will blame walmart because that's the only place i went, except for the library, the post office, the Cook Out Drive through. I feel sicker now.