You know when things appear to be going well, so well, that you're waiting for the other shoe to drop? Well, it's dropped. Poor Tot, our child with cold-induced asthma, has been having a trying time in teh past day. The poor thing got a hell of a cold, that of course, settled in his lungs. So it's back to the nebulizer, with Albuterol, and Donatussin syrup. Although the asthma seems to be getting better, the cough is only getting worse. Plus, he had a 103 degree fever, that luckily responded to Motrin. But the cough...the cough! Hubby and I feel so bad every time we hear it. I didn't know what to do this afternoon. Tot couldn't sleep because he kept coughing. I decided not to take him to the ER because it was likely that we would have to wait hours, which would probably just expose him to something worse. According the the Academy of Pedatrics book, I should take him to the ER if parts of him turn blue. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but doesn't blue indicate that oxygen isn't getting where it needs to be? The hell with taking him to the ER, I'd be calling an ambulance! I have also learned that by coming in by ambulance, you get bumped ahead of the other people who merely walked in. Learned that one the hard way!
Last night as Hubby and I took turns getting up to rock Tot back to sleep, I remarked on how much it felt like we had an infant again. And not in the good way. I tell you, I have gotten used ot sleeping through the night again. I am selfish when it comes to my sleep! I did enjoy rocking Tot. I have missed the cuddly parts of babyhood. However, I don't want it like this. If it means I have to have a sick baby boy just so I can rock him, I'll pass. We feel so helpless when the boys are sick. Hubby and I want to make it better. Don't most parents want to do that? Not being able to help him is very hard on us. I just want to make him more comfortable. Right now I am struggling with hearing him cry. He's so overtired, and the coughing is bothering him. I finally decided it wasn't unreasonable to call the doctor, and Hubby is picking up some Delsym cough suppressant for the little man. The doctor said there isn't anything else we can do to make it better. I desperately want to make it better. Don't our kids expect that mommy can make it all better?
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