The small brick patio is what we put down last fall. Next to it is the finished product.

The stoop before and after. You can also see our cute little dog who has to know what is going on at all times!
The above are some pictures of our most recent home improvement project. We more than doubled the brick patio we had laid last fall. It was tiny, and I think we all learned something from the experience. Don't ever leave large decisions to the post-partum wife, especially one with PPD. We also had to rip out our concrete stoop and walkway. It was cracked all the way through and sinking! I have a lot of respect for people who do this type of work. They really had a hard time getting the old concrete out. I felt guilty just watching them, and thought maybe I should get out my sledgehammer and hack away with them! Hubby did remind me that we were paying a pretty penny to have this work done, and really, me with a sledgehammer? Yah, not going to happen!
This picture is how it all started. We had a de

Great work. Love the picture of the stoop with the doggie looking out!
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