I hestitated having Tot's hair cut any sooner. Truthfully, he really didn't need a haircut, but our beloved barber is retiring in two week's time. Since my dad, hubby and oldest son have had their hair cut there for years, I really thought it'd be cool to have Tot's cut there as well. Upon finding out that our barber Phil was retiring, I tried to make sure we could have all 'the guys' get their haircuts the same day, and get a picture of the event. You know, a generational thing of sorts. Unfortunately, to even out Tot's hair, his curls had to go. (Hear me weeping). He looks so much older now, even though the little devil would rather crawl than walk. Oh, he took his first steps on Monday! The little guy is moving further away from babyhood and closer to being a toddler. Having learned from his brother, we might not teach him to talk.

our wonderful, yet retiring barber.
All the guys had their cuts today.
(*** Edited to add: Why do I always stand sideways when taking a picture. I end up looking flat-chested with a large belly).
Bev, I think you look GREAT! You have awesome hair!
I was so sad when we cut Brody's hair for the first time, but I knew it was time, 'cause his curls had caused people to mistake him for a girl TWICE in one day. LOL.
Have a happy weekend!
PS- Your dad looks VERY young!!
I love that stuff! Great pictures!!
I ALWAYS stand that way too! haha!
Sweet baby's first haircut! Love the tradition!
Kate-Tot was mistaken for a girl twice last week and once this week. Hubby and I really don't see it, though. Thanks for the compliment! I think you are looking great too!
MB-Thanks! I love doing pictures like that with special meaning too.
Teachermom-Thanks for the compliment! I think it would be SO funny if K and S sang those songs. S is not much of a singer in front of others though:) It is too funny that our church's did the same VBS!
Jennifer--thanks! I am into 'traditions'.
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