After many months of barely seeing my husband, he took his personal days so we could have a four-day weekend together. Hubby used part of this time to dig up the bushes on the side of our walkway, all
eight of them. These bushes were over twenty years old, so now with no bushes, that side looks like something out of
Sanford and Son. But our little man loves to help his daddy with
boy chores. How cute is that?!

Hubby also took on the main part of childcare responsibilities, partly because he will be going on a 'mens' weekend' soon, as well as to Asia in the next couple of months. Did I also mention my sitter has left us? Yah. I needed a break!

The boys got along very well, for the most part. My youngest likes to whine
a lot. I thought girls were the whiners. Turns out I was wrong, because the Tot has perfected the whine. His whine is to me what nails on a chalkboard are to some people. Drives me nuts! I'm wondering if it is a youngest thing. I was the youngest, but I don't know if I was a whiner. I'll have to ask my brother. I'm
sure he remembers!
This is what happens when my husband takes care of the kids. Does anyone else's husband not bother to have the kids clean up their toys? Guess who had to make them clean up their toys tonight while daddy was at basketball? Now you can tell why I'm their favorite! You know the other thing that my husband will not do? Wipe down the counters and the table in the kitchen. It's like he doesn't
see the crumbs and spills. I swear Monday morning I have to take time to clean up from the weekend. I love my husband to pieces. He is a worldclass father and husband, but come on. Take a
Clorax wipe and wipe down the damn counter! I guess, though, if this is all I have to complain about then I am a lucky woman, and I am.

While Daddy was at basketball, S. asked if we could eat dinner outside. Now we don't have our umbrella and cushions out, so I almost said no, but I figured what the heck! You know, it was fun. I am not the best about deviating from our routine, and I am glad this time I did. (You'll have to look at Tot. He's pointing towards the sky to tell us of yet another airplane! We didn't know there was a flightpath over us. Now we do!!!) The boys had a great time, and I enjoyed the breeze. Tot kept S. and I laughing. He's our little comedian! I seriously wish I had brought the camera to the cemetary the other day! You know how some people choose to have their headstone made out of a stone bench. Well, a bit in front of my mom's grave there is one of those. Tot thought it was there for him to sit on. He had quite a time trying to get up onto it, but he did. Boy was he mad when Hubby had to get him down! My boys LOVE the cemetary, which feels kind of weird. They love to run all around, and now S. loves to tell us the numbers and letters on each person's headstone! I tell ya', one day when I tell him that it will creep him out, but for now he likes it. Ah...the things that kids do!
How nice you got to have your husband around for a long week-end! Do you have plans for the area where the bushes were? That could be fun to plan, though maybe a daunting task. The countertops and toys? Must be a guy thing! I used to always ask myself, "How hard is it to....?" and now I catch myself asking that question and automatically answer it: It's not hard at all. It's called laziness!! "if this is all I have to complain about then I am a lucky woman, and I am." I feel the same way about my husband, which is why I really try to not complain about those things to him. That's what friends (and blogs) are for, right???
How nice that you got to have your hubby around for a long weekend, and finally got some time to yourself!
Ok Bev,
Was my husband at your house this weekend, because he doesn't see crumbs or spills either. One afternoon his weight lifting supplement exploded bright pink drink all over the ceiling. I told him he had to clean it up. It was gross. Now he mixes his drinks up outside. I know your fuming when you wipe things down.
I always complain I don't use the bathroom sink but it's always dirty. I cannot hunch over to use the sink with my bad back.
Yesterday my daughter asked, why I didn't clean up her room. I'm on sick leave and nothing gets done. She is clean, fed and healthy, so I guess I cannot ask more of my husband. My husband is quick to point out my NY friend has no help from her husband so I should consider myself lucky.
Run, don't walk to high school or college and find another baby sitter. Summer is coming and there should be an abundance of available this summer.
Ok, I need to say, I bought this awsome blanket at target all synthenic and I love it. I refuse to share it.
Now for the toys, do you allow them to play all over or just in play room. My husband allows princess to leave messes all the time. One evening I was complaining at school about finding polly pockets in my bed and the teacher had a huge grin on his face. I guess he's had dolly's in his bed too. I remember when I was little my mom's room was off limits.
Daytime TV is so much crappy drama. Either baby shows or drama riddled talk shows. Yuck.
My shoe order should be here tomrrow I cannot wait to see princess' croc's I ordered.
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