Sunday, September 10, 2006

I'm Just Wondering

Last week I went into my local convenient store to buy a fountain coke. Upon going down the candy aisle, hey last week was a bad one, I saw something I don't understand. There, across from the candy, was a section devoted to S*mmers Eve douches. I ask you, when is a woman going to need to purchase a douche at a time when her local grocery store or drugstore isn't open? I mean, really. At 2AM, have you ever had the NEED to feel

1 comment:

MB said...

Ugh, I hate that. It's like when the damn commercials come on in the middle of prime time TV. I'm trying to enjoy my damn show. I don't need to hear this right now! Why do they feel the need to advertise that shit at all? We all know what's out there, we all use what we use. Give us a break!