Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not the Time To Try That

Hubby used to be in public accounting. After 7 exhausting tax seasons, he decided to go into the private sector believing it would give him more family time; don't get me started. The 80+ weekly hours burned him out. So today he is an assistant controller and manager of a company. The point here is that Hubby hasn't done anyone's personal tax returns in a long time. Except for Mr.K.'s.

Hubby's dad used to have him do not only their tax return, but also their friend's, Mr. K. Well, last year Hubby didn't even do his parents' return, but Mr. K. still asked Hubby to do his. Now Mr. K. has owned his own business for many years, so this is not a super easy return to do. Plus, Hubby being out of the public tax sector hasn't kept up on all the latest tax rules. It could actually be costing Mr. K. NOT to have an accountant of his own, because Hubby might miss something. Now this man also never paid Hubby to do his return, but would instead give us a gift certificate. Yah, Mr. K. definitely saved money by not hiring an accountant.

Well, we never heard from Mr. K. this year, so we figured he wasn't going to ask Hubby to do his return this year. Phew! Oh, how wrong we were! He called TWO weeks before the April 15th deadline. TWO WEEKS! He just expected that Hubby would drop whatever he had to do just to complete Mr. K.'s return. I mean, come on, the deadline is the same every year. I think it's just plain rude to wait until the last minute to ask someone to do something for you. It's like he just assumed Hubby would do it, and that just aggravates me.

Hubby got home at 9PM last night, and we were both exhausted from our days. Hubby said he didn't know what to do about Mr. K.'s return. When would he find the time? I told him not to worry about it, that I would take care of it. Now I am not a confrontational type of person, but when you upset one of one boys, watch out! I also told Hubby that they already think I'm a bitch, so what's the difference? What's he going to do, call Hubby's parents??? We're not talking to them anyway. What do we care? Hubby didn't need this extra thing to do; he's not going to see the boys this whole week as it is!

This morning I called Mr.K. and told him that Hubby is no longer doing personal tax returns, and is working too many hours to complete even his, Mr. K.'s return. I was waiting for him to say something, because I am angry about the whole situation as well as about all of the hours Hubby is having to work currently. Oh, and did I mention this is PMS week. Yah. All it would have taken was one word out of that guy, and I would have let him have it. It actually would have felt good; I have been wanting to have a fight with someone over this hellish week. To my surprise, he said nothing. In fact, I had to be the one to even say goodbye. And I did. So now Hubby is done with that return forever. Please don't think we don't like to help people out, but have some common courtesy. Don't call and just expect things. When did people get so rude?!


Jen Taurus said...

IT's funny how his parents introduced him and he think's he's owed. I applaud you for taking a stand. I always look like the bitch because i speak up. Guess it's better then smiling on the outside and seething on the inside.

I hope your week get's better. I can lone hubby, he's on easter vacation now.

formerteacher said...

I have been that person who seethes on the inside, and i am not going ot do it anymore. It's better to get it out in the open! Glad I'm not the only one who is seen as the bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

I commend you, Bev. I avoid confrontation like the plague! The bad side is that I, too, am one who 'seethes on the inside'. Guess I need to stop fearing the worst out of a situation.

I feel for you on the 'single Mom' status. That will be me next week. Ken has to travel from Monday through Friday. Not looking forward to THAT! Good luck to you and your sanity!

Jen Taurus said...


You will never be alone. I am a queen bitch and will give lessons.

Sometimes I do seeth and it irks me. I've been very quite in the workplace though becasue there are such repercussions there. I hate it and the people who i work with.
ATleast I can complain to husband.