Yesterday I had yet another psych. appt. Damn, this depression is as stubborn as my 2 year-old son! Basically I was told that there has been too much stress in my life due to my ILs, and this is hampering the ability for these meds. to work, or something like that. I was given ideas on how to reduce stress, although they were happy the number one stress factor, 'crazy ILs' has been eliminated for the time being. So I need to relax. Kind of sounds like the advice I was given while trying to get pregnant. Funny how things seem to go in one big circle.
After my meds. were adjusted, and another appt. made, we discussed Katrina. I feel bad posting mundane topics like potty-training while this has been happening, but sometimes I need a bit of a reprieve from the absolutely horrible things that happen in our world. At any rate, my nurse practioner had just been at the place where the the strom survivors, that sounds more positive, were taken. They had arrived in the middle of the night, and it was easy to see that my nurse was deeply affected by what she saw. She only told me about a father who had been separated from his family, and how awful it's been for him. Can you imagine? Then she promised to call me if there was anything I could do for them. Do you think that a clinically depressed person would 'qualify' for a volunteer position? Course, maybe I'd be an asset. I might be able to relate a little with how they're feeling. Probably not. Because although we moved 15 times when I was a kid, yes FIFTEEN, it was never because a storm blew my hometown to bits, and my family was always together.
I made the mistake of watching
Oprah on Tuesday. Well, let's just say that the man who was sobbing because he had to leave his dog, the only thing he cared about in this world--the only thing he saved from his home, and just leave him to basically die. That was too much. That was the last straw. I prayed to God right then to help that man and all of the others, and the animals too, because let's be honest very few of them will be rescued. And starving to death is no way to let one of God's creatures die. I saw pictures of disabled people who had died in their wheelchairs, and thought about the babies who would not get the formula or breastmilk they need to survive. And I prayed to God to take the pain away from these people and animals.
And I am angry that the government, the local government to start, did nothing for days. Now come on, New Orleans' /Louisiana's government knew they were below sea level and this flood was a possibility. They should have had a plan, SOME sort of plan, about what to do. Those buses should have been in those poor neighborhoods getting the people out BEFORE the hurricane struck. But I digress. I also believe a clinically depressed woman should not watch
Oprah's coverage of any tragedy. I learned that.
On a lighter note, I went to rent the movie
Prozac Nation. I have just finished reading the book. Well, it was completely sold out. I guess there are a few more depressed people out there than I realized. Oh, goody.